Example sentences of "[conj] [art] present " in BNC.

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1 Evidence of insufficient cover might include someone other than the insured person driving the vehicle ; the vehicle being used for the purpose other than agreed , e.g. for business purposes ; or the present vehicle not being entered on the firm 's records ( this being difficult to detect in these days of not generally showing a registered number on a certificate ) .
2 Labour has , therefore , perceived its interests to lie in the protection of the urban authorities whether the former county boroughs or the present metropolitan areas .
3 In the context , this ‘ very lax attitude ’ seems to be measured against circumstances ( such as late Old English or the present day ) in which there is a uniform standard of spelling : thus , what this really means is that in Early ME there was no uniform standard , and indeed Scragg adds that these scribes had ‘ no conception of a spelling standard ’ .
4 I have considerable respect and sympathy for my hon. and learned Friend the Member for Grantham ( Mr. Hogg ) , but we must make further efforts , even if some risk is attached , or the present conflict will spread to Bosnia and other parts of Yugoslavia and perhaps beyond that to other countries .
5 They may recommend a structure based on unitary authorities or the present two-tier arrangements .
6 If he believes he should make new law democratically , in the spirit of the present legislature or the present climate of popular opinion , he might turn to past decisions as evidence of what the legislature or public is likely to think or want , for example .
7 Land was bought in Meadow Farm Drive , where the present church now stands .
8 Thornsett Road , near the Selby Road boundary , where the present writer was born , was developed entirely by Thomas Crapper , inventor of the lavatory cistern .
9 The omission of the verb gives an immediacy which would be missing from a construction such as It is a virgin scene ( where the present tense is a direct attempt to make a coding time and content time the same ) .
10 Where the present study differs from this previous research is in the way it develops from a comparison of alternative versions of the same story .
11 A word which has as an element either a past participle or a present participle , eg airborne , weatherbeaten , self-taught .
12 Although I had been informed that the present French artists were low in merit , I did not expect to find them , with little exception , so totally devoid of it .
13 To simplify a rather complex historical phenomenon , it can be said that the present political division between Fianna Fail and Fine Gael originates in positions taken by opponents in that war .
14 Which is not to say , he wrote , that the present project has any value over and above the others , mine and those of everyone else , I have been into the question of value already and will not return to it now , has any value or that its outcome has any value , I have to repeat this , simply that now , for me , today , after the things I have done and given the time left me , it is the most important thing , it is what , from the time I first picked up a pencil and made a mark on a piece of paper , everything has logically led up to .
15 It is likely that the present system of paying duty on the OG will be phased out and Britain will adopt the European method of paying tax when the beer leaves the brewery .
16 I was told that both the new right and those who support the Government 's view — that the present blasphemy laws which protect only Christianity should be retained — had been excluded .
17 The Conservative case is that the present economic situation does not amount to a crisis .
18 ‘ But we will and really must change the bureaucracy , the remoteness of management , the impersonal care for patients , the frustrations of the staff and the failure to maintain high standards everywhere that the present way of running the service causes far too often . ’
19 Peter Bassett , from Chelsea , said that the present economic difficulties bore no relation to that which pertained under the last Labour government when the country had to be bailed out by the International Monetary Fund .
20 Moreover , he says that the present level of interest rates may mean that instead of prices stagnating next year they could fall by around 10 per cent .
21 The King was sure that the present Prime Minister was the only man who could save the country and His Majesty himself was prepared to support him …
22 The board of inquiry called yesterday for a full and open judicial inquiry into the alleged activities of the death squad , noting that the present McNally investigation was an inter-departmental inquiry behind closed doors .
23 The reply came from an under-secretary who said that the present funding was considered adequate and the commercial undertaking would be ill-advised .
24 The Government also disclosed that the present method of assessing parental contributions according to parents ' residual income , after tax and mortgage payments , is to be retained for the time being .
25 ( Its walls are so thick that the present Lord and Lady Lambton were able to install two bathrooms in their width . )
26 It is clear that the present system , perhaps indeed any system that could be devised , is not foolproof , says the IAEA .
27 In the course of her research into the history of the house , she discovered that the male Pygling line had in fact died out , and that the present bearer of the hallowed name — the pathetic husband of the overbearing Mrs Pygling — came in fact through the female line and had adopted the name of Pygling .
28 However , this should not be taken to suggest that the present generation are seduced by their salaries and expenses to the degree that they will abandon their principles in order to continue to have access to the institutional channels for political activity .
29 As I stumbled along , she told me that the present appearance of the castle was in part the creation of the hotel people , who had joined two separate buildings together .
30 Where the Elgin marbles are concerned , I am surprised that the present inhabitants of the Greek mainland want anything to do with them .
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