Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] death " in BNC.

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1 If that is wrong , let them tell us why , rather than differentiate between dead bodies on the basis of whether a diagnosis was made before or after death , or whether the patient stops breathing in the accident and emergency department rather than a medical ward .
2 All three cases were confirmed by phlebography or ventilation-perfusion scanning or after death .
3 In contrast with our patient , although no material was available either before or after death for histological study , the absence of complete obstruction and the spontaneous resolution suggests that the ureteric obstruction was a result of compression from the pseudocyst .
4 There is also the element of preparing for some of life 's experiences : for the first visit to the dentist or to hospital ; for coping with separation from parents or with death .
5 The secret of a long day of battle was fitting the components together : the state of caution ; the state of preparedness ; the state of uncaring action ; the state of elation ; the state of waiting ; so that each stage matched the others in sureness and strength , with every thread of body and mind strung to its finest pitch ready to sing to the touch , from one night 's sleep until the next , or until death itself .
6 This was done from the year of diagnosis until 1 January 1990 or until death .
7 Twenty consecutive patients with AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis , defined from at least two characteristic lesions at endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography , were followed for a minimum of 10 months or until death .
8 Release Sidacai into Alexei 's charge , so that in life or in death he may serve you . ’
9 We are not , I feel , meant to be alone in life or in death .
10 In the ensuing months , his letters , glowing with a convert 's fervour , faithfully reflect the tenets of Schopenhauerian philosophy : the illusoriness of empirical reality , with all its individual phenomena ; and the recognition , behind our illusory world of an ultimate reality that brings no joy , no good , no providence , no ordained meaning , no rational basis to life or to death .
11 Long term success ( to date or to death ) was achieved in 11 of 13 ( 85% ) patients .
12 Meanwhile , you pay into a special investment fund — usually an Endowment Policy , arranged through an insurance company — which pays you a lump sum at the end of your mortgage term or on death , and you repay the capital out of this .
13 Each operative will receive a defined share of the income from the trust at regular intervals and on retirement will receive a pension or on death a grant will be paid .
14 An endowment policy pays a capital sum to the insured at a specified time in the future , or on death if earlier .
15 Generally the provisions affecting settled property properly so-called — where the property is held by trustees for administration in accordance with the terms of a deed of settlement — are framed round the conception of the trust beneficiary as the transferor of the property involved in any transfer of value which takes place in consequence of any dealing with the property by way of advances out of the capital or disposal of his beneficial interest or termination of that interest by surrender or on death .
16 Firstly , lack of care was associated with at least a threefold increase in the risk of depression , whether the women were working-class or middle-class , and whether the loss was by separation or by death .
17 Those who spend their lives looking for some practical escape from the ordinary world eventually have to accept the fact that there is no escape except through death or the imagination .
18 Power over life and death , power that through death
19 Neither of Life nor of Death :
20 Consistent with this , birth weight is more strongly associated with death before 65 years than with death at all ages .
21 Other factors widened the gulf that in death separated rich from poor and also separated the poor from their dead .
22 So it was that in death Simon Cormack returned to Oxford , to the Radcliffe Infirmary , whose facilities are a match even for Guy 's Hospital , London .
23 I could understand how she felt ; I realized that anyone who convinced herself that , when she took the holy biscuit she was uniting herself with God , would find it easy to convince herself that in death she would be united with her daughter .
24 Zarathustra declared that at death God passes judgement on man and that this decides his fate when the world is finally transformed into the same state of perfection as when it left the hands of the Creator .
25 Each person referred , even if he or she remained at home , was allocated to either the community psychiatric nurse or the social worker ( as key worker ) ; their case was reviewed by the team every six weeks , and was never closed , except by death or removal from the area .
26 But verily , for that lawless coronation that she made , she shall be most firmly enclosed in a dwelling of stone and iron , made like a crown , and at Berwick be hung up in the open air , that she may be given , in life and after death , for a gazing-stock and an everlasting scorn to those who pass by . ’
27 Monk wrote an account of their experience for the Universe , and has been promoted to write a fuller account of the Church 's teaching on death , of what happens to the soul before , during and after death .
28 As growing organisms incorporate radio-carbon and after death of the organism the trapped radio-carbon begins to decay at a known rate with half lost after 5730 years , it is possible to indicate when death occurred .
29 The poems speak of Youth , of Beauty' , of Love , of Parting and of Death , the last of which is not tragic but full of promise that life will be reborn .
30 For the moment all the talk , such clear , unambiguous talk , is of suffering and of death .
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