Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] to say " in BNC.

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1 At the simplest level , the teacher shows the children how to receive the content of one another 's writing and ask questions which invite the writer to tell more about what she knows or wants to say .
2 Design is about the way a product not only looks , but also functions , and for anybody in manufacturing industry or retailing to say they do n't take an interest in it would be perfectly ludicrous , because at the end of the day it is design that causes a product either to be successful or unsuccessful .
3 I am thinking of unfortunate scholars in foreign universities who can not ‘ hold down their jobs ’ unless they repeatedly publish articles each of which must say , or seem to say , something new about some literary work …
4 It may even give passers-by the impression of drunkenness , which is why some people carry a card or note to say , ‘ I suffer from bad attacks of giddiness . ’
5 And they , it basically says , there 's erm , replenish , or rotate stock , and they sort of tick or sign to say that they 've done it .
6 But whatever it is , whatever it is they 're saying or trying to say , it never cramps Tod 's style .
7 In the mid-1860s Dostoevsky developed a marked tendency to fuss about the relation between real life and fiction , between the goings-on in the newspapers and what he was saying or wanted to say in his novels .
8 ‘ It 's me that needs to say thank you .
9 He mocked the Trade and Industry Department as ‘ the department of abandoned responsibilities — not the business that likes to say yes , but the department that loves to say no . ’
10 Gilbert 's eyes seemed glazed , and Jimmy looked at Cardiff in a way that seemed to say : We 've got to shut him up , Cardiff .
11 You see I were born in nineteen hundred so that means to say that when it 's nineteen ninety eight I 'll be ninety eight , I think they did that so I could er reckon me age up more easily .
12 He mocked the Trade and Industry Department as ‘ the department of abandoned responsibilities — not the business that likes to say yes , but the department that loves to say no . ’
13 Bite Two : ‘ Not the department that likes to say Yes , but department that likes to say No . ’
14 Bite Two : ‘ Not the department that likes to say Yes , but department that likes to say No . ’
15 Denmark , the country that likes to say no , ruffled more than a few egos when they said yes to becoming European Championship substitutes and drew with England in their opening game before going on to win the trophy .
16 And last night Downing Street refused to deny Mr Major had a fixed 9.85 per cent mortgage with TSB — the bank that likes to say Yes .
17 TSB , the bank that likes to say yes , found its shareholders in a less than positive frame of mind at its somewhat stormy agm in Glasgow yesterday .
18 Suddenly I had this vision of him having taken an overdose and phoning to say goodbye .
19 The boy sniffled and stammered to say something , but the words would not come .
20 It is in fact to be very dogmatic and to try to say something about every other way of knowledge , and every other thing to be known .
21 So , befurred and kid-gloved , her hair put up elaborately around her pale grey hat , she went into the Talbot pew in Bishopstow church , her own pew now , and put Aunt Emily 's prayer book on the ledge before her , and knelt to say a prayer of profound thankfulness .
22 At last , as I set my knife and fork down , I caught the gloomy eye of my table-companion and ventured to say , ‘ You will be in Geneva tomorrow in time to see this wretched woman brought to justice , I presume ? ’
23 Er they get rather sulky and offended to say the least , they get er , often they recruit academics and lawyers to say that the memories of abuse are fabricated , the memories of abuse they could n't really have happened because the people concerned were out of the country at the time and were on holiday anyway and er did n't even meet the family until the kid was eleven years old after it was sup and so on and so forth .
24 After assembly Mrs. Bulmer toured the school and stopped to say Hello , to children of Yellow class .
25 The woman who sang wandered over , carrying her sheets of music , and stopped to say a few words to Dr Rafaelo before going up to the little stage and setting up her recording deck to accompany her nightly concert .
26 He was a comical little man but as she smiled and tried to say the right things — ‘ Oh !
27 For as Socrates knew , a sequence of silly questions is a wonderful way of forcing someone to think out just what he believes and wants to say .
28 James bowed ironically and offered them the document ; Alexander Menzies pretended to think about it for a full five minutes and signed it with extraordinary flourishes that made the pen splutter and seemed to say , ‘ Very well , I will humour your ridiculous ritual . ’
29 As the words blazed their rainbow colours around him he flung his hands back and prepared to say the eighth and final word that would appear in coruscating octarine and seal the spell .
30 Paisley had to be in Ulster that day , but Kevin McNamara , MP for Kingston-upon-Hull , realised that the Black issue was being avoided and intervened to say that MPs were concerned about the serious allegations which had been made .
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