Example sentences of "[adv] mean [art] " in BNC.

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1 The new rules coming in tomorrow effectively mean the end of the full extent normal rule for people earning £12 or less in a week .
2 The new rules coming in tomorrow effectively mean the end of the full extent normal rule for people earning £12 or less in a week .
3 The new rules coming in tomorrow effectively mean the end of the full extent normal rule for people earning £12 or less in a week .
4 The scheme Branson was outlining would , Birbeck knew , effectively mean the end of the record industry as he , and anybody else , recognised it .
5 The search for more useful financial reports does not , however , necessarily mean a search for the most relevant information .
6 We should constantly be aware that when most people use the term ‘ mixed race ’ they do not mean a child of Indian and African parents , nor a Chinese and a person of African descent , they generally mean the child of a white person and any other person who is not white .
7 As a result , becoming an adult and setting up a household no longer mean the same thing .
8 Three or four bedded rooms usually mean a twin bedded room with extra folding beds ( or bunk-beds ) which means you need to be prepared for having less space in the room .
9 They usually mean a file of information which is processed by different , completely different
10 When we use the words , ‘ brothers ’ and ‘ sisters ’ we usually mean the people in our immediate families , but it can also mean other people in the world who might be in need of our help .
11 When people speak of ‘ science ’ , they usually mean the sciences of nature , especially physics , chemistry , and biology , in line of descent from the scientific revolution of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries .
12 Usually mean the last letter cos most of the elem well a lot of the le the elements have one letter .
13 In fact , by grammar , they usually mean the more easily statable descriptions of some writing conventions .
14 WHEN PEOPLE talk about the good old days , they usually mean the 1920s to early 1950s .
15 He said the top players love the UK Championships format because the longer matches usually mean the best player wins .
16 Sleeping in the shade , waking up staring through the leaves at the cobalt blue sky , thinking how impossible things were to paint , how can some blue pigment ever mean the living blue light of the sky ?
17 One point which cries out for consideration is this : do the Christian doctrines which Hegel has transposed into his own metaphysical key still mean the same ?
18 Doubt does not necessarily or automatically mean the end of faith , for doubt is faith in two minds .
19 By ‘ simple ’ we often mean a unified , one-tiered society while ‘ complex ’ means only a many-tiered society .
20 Lengthy timescales often mean a changing external environment into which the innovation has to be introduced , and impact upon the benefits .
21 For a skiing development to win architectural prizes really is extraordinary , particularly since the tough conditions often mean the buildings have to be brutally functional .
22 Even when a clear objective has been achieved ( and by a clear objective I really mean a single sentence which everybody can carry in their minds and which everybody can understand ) , it is necessary to ensure that this is known , understood and accepted at every level of the organization .
23 Actually , when I say " a " trade , I really mean a whole lot of " sub-trades ' : lions , leopards , cheetahs , wild dogs and hyenas all hunt in their own specialized ways .
24 Modern production methods now mean the 600 can be produced on the same line as the 800 .
25 The view that growing numbers of elderly people inevitably mean a growing and costly burden of disability in future has also been challenged .
26 More CROWNS simply mean a wider range of facilities and services .
27 When commentators refer to ‘ the authorities ’ they frequently mean the Treasury and the Bank of England .
28 They seldom mean the declaration of hitherto unknown passion ; the long lost brother , thought vanished on an expedition down the Orinoco ; the missive from the old-fashioned firm of solicitors , discreetly hinting at ‘ something to your advantage ’ .
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