Example sentences of "[adv] go the " in BNC.

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1 Europe , on this reading , will swiftly go the same way .
2 Maybe fire is the opposite principle to light , and comes to the use of those who do not go the way of light .
3 Rather than make changes to aerodynamic efficiency to reduce speeds , why not go the whole hog and kill two birds with one stone ?
4 Those who run the game in Britain will hope fervently that the Cardiff solicitor 's daughter does not go the same way .
5 An old sofa can be covered with a throw-over piece of material , you need not go the expense of re-upholstery or even stretch or loose covers .
6 But it was felt that if we were to incorporate everything you wanted , why not go the whole hog and re-launch the mag ?
7 Determined that she should not go the same way as her sister , Jonadab Oaks had ruled Martha with a rod of iron ever since Tamar 's seduction by Sir William Forster .
8 Why not go the whole hog and book yourself into a health farm for a really relaxing break .
9 The only sheep around here are the sad bastards who walk around in Man Utd shirts ( particularly the fat bastard in Wakefield who has No.7 and Cantona stencilled on the back ) who were presumably sexually abused at a young age and hence feel the need to rebel — why not go the whole hog and dress up as a woman , you would nt look half as silly .
10 And when you 've claimed that much land , why not go the whole hog and put a roof over it as well .
11 Food : The test of a true boar : British gourmets could soon go the whole hog , writes Henrietta Green
12 The back-row confrontation might just go the way of Bath with Dave Egerton , Ben Clarke and Andy Robinson looking a superior combination — on paper at least — although Peter Winterbottom , in particular , will want to prove me wrong .
13 The Profitboss might just go the other way and invest in revenue generation with a major advertising campaign .
14 Well do n't I just go the next one great than three ?
15 Be warned ; legal cases do not always go the householder 's way , so put away the shotgun and do not get angry when people drop litter on your front lawn .
16 We 've heard a lot about the accuracy of the continuing bombardments , but erm anybody who 's been in a war will tell you that erm once you 're in a war situation , things do n't always go the way you expect them to , in fact there has to be an element of luck and erm the accuracy of bombing in particular erm sometimes leaves something to be required .
17 If it 's dark , you 'll probably go the way you came — over the gardens .
18 ‘ Yes , sometimes you create this illusion for yourself , because you 've been with it a certain number of hours , but it can also go the other way : you might think something 's horrible and then come in the next day and realise it 's actually pretty good .
19 Along with that acceptance must also go the acknowledgement of intimations of morality-'who will go first ? ' .
20 erm I do n't personally like motorways , I would I 'm terrified of the M twenty five , I 'd rather go the long way round I 'm afraid , but
21 Well , the ducking and diving award this week must surely go the Chancellor , Norman Lamont ; before the Treasury Committee he fielded a battery of awkward questions about the recovery , or should that be alleged recovery .
22 However , if you find you ca n't go the full period at this heart-rate , then lower the work intensity to reduce the pulse rate until you can last out .
23 You push them , pull them , even plead with them — still they wo n't go the way you want .
24 ‘ I felt for a lot of years I did have a lot to lose , when there was only one way to go and that was down , and when things did n't go the way I wanted them to go I blamed others .
25 I must n't go the wrong way , Alice thought to herself as she made her way to the platform .
26 That hand of mine wo n't go the right shape although I 've tried , I knew it would deform joints and so I put all my efforts into spreading them the opposite way , but I have n't won on that one , can you see ?
27 But Steen did n't go the full seven years . ’
28 Just make sure you do n't go the same way as the champagne bottle ; broken limbs at two o'clock in the morning I do n't need . ’
29 And ‘ S ’ is for story that would n't go the way it was planned .
30 they must keep turning round to your right until you point at them , and you must n't go the short way , and you can play like erm , sort of version of musical chairs where you eliminate the ones who get it wrong , you know ,
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