Example sentences of "[adv] possible that " in BNC.

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1 It is perhaps possible that were Murad II returning from a great victory , Molla Yegan might have come from Bursa to greet him , but such seems not to have been the case .
2 It is perhaps possible that they might fail to mention that a purely functional muftilik had been made an for Hizir Bey ; but it seems unlikely in the extreme that they should fail to mention his having held a post which , as has been suggested in the previous chapter , was already one of great prestige and which , by Taskopruzade 's time less than a century later , was certainly one of considerable power .
3 It is highly possible that the Wandjina image inscribed by these visitors from across the sea is a direct transposition from the Indian Spectacled Cobra 's hood markings , which constituted the symbol of well-being or balance used by Hindu or Buddhist spiritual teachers whose totem was that same animal — a legacy of the ancient Nagas .
4 She said it was highly possible that had he received a blood transfusion his life might have been saved .
5 It was entirely possible that Jos was still trying to warn him off , for his own good .
6 Perhaps present arrangements make accountability more complex and confused than in the recent past but , through partnerships in communities , and a growing sense and confidence that schools and colleges are capable of managing their own affairs , it is entirely possible that the problems of accountability can be resolved .
7 It is entirely possible that this mechanism does operate , and that the members of a herd do use these clues when looking at one another .
8 In the case of the zebra , it is entirely possible that several of the nine mechanisms are working together , each supporting the other .
9 A few brief thoughts : if Mike Tyson appeals , is found guilty again , then takes his case to the US Supreme Court , it is entirely possible that he will have his case heard by Judge Clarence Thomas .
10 Having said that , it is entirely possible that one is being hopelessly naïve and that it is simply that the AIDS test has replaced the screen test as the sine qua non for any ambitious ingénue .
11 On the other hand , after seeing what he was doing with his electrified guitar , it is entirely possible that Mr Rossi 's aficionados are of the opinion that they are getting the best of both worlds .
12 It is entirely possible that you will do extraordinary well in 1993 , especially by following an unorthodox route — intuitive hunches could also pay off .
13 Therefore , when clients relate their first and subsequent panic attacks , or other symptoms of anxiety and stress , and explain that they were doing nothing out of the ordinary , it is entirely possible that this was the case .
14 Once the legislator 's choice is admitted as a source of content it is entirely possible that two positive legislators will not only determine a concept differently but will determine a concept in a contradictory fashion .
15 In Russia they used to sell books , but it is now entirely possible that they could also sell the publishers .
16 It is therefore entirely possible that the Kremlin will delay a resumption of negotiations and wait for our natural impatience , our demobilization problems , declining American interest in Korean affairs and local dissatisfaction with the division of the country to oblige us to supply speedy solution of these terms , i.e. a united front which excluding [ excludes ] all but elements controlled by the Communist Party .
17 To be charitable , it 's entirely possible that Platt 's spell with Aston Villa might have led to him speaking broken Brummie .
18 As has already been shown , moreover , and as will be referred to again , the combination of a muderrislik and a muftilik was very common in later times , particularly in the case of the Mufti ; and it is entirely possible that the muderrislik of the Manastir medrese carried with it , perhaps even from the start , official or semi-official recognition as mufti of Bursa .
19 The Arabic , for example , is ambiguous in respect of whether it is the copy or the itself that Yusuf Bali — who held the kadilik of Bursa for a time in the 840s-wrote ; and , on the evidence of the signature alone , it seems entirely possible that at some point , perhaps during his kadilik , he made a copy of the which Molla Husrev subsequently attested to be a true copy .
20 It seems entirely possible that it is to this period — roughly from 873/1468 ( or perhaps earlier ) to 878/1473–4 — that the Muftilik of Abdulkerim belongs , that he succeeded Fahreddin Acemi on the latter 's death and must then later have resigned or been removed from the Muftilik , perhaps to make way for Molla Husrev when he returned from Bursa .
21 It is entirely possible that there is n't .
22 It is entirely possible that our backwater of a planet is literally the only one that has ever borne life .
23 I knew nothing of Quigley 's sexual life , but it was entirely possible that Marjorie and Emily were not enough for him .
24 It is also entirely possible that the public may be less exercised about this matter than are newspapers , and perhaps less hostile to the notion of regulation .
25 my Lord I 'm not really an insurance expert and I would n't like to speculate , my Lord it 's entirely possible that , that erm the
26 but , but we , we , we might come across this again a bit later on th that i it 's entirely possible that what is being said at the early part is n't actually borne out by the details that come later on .
27 So , so it 's entirely possible that all of this is misconceived ?
28 It is thus possible that , just as we are suggesting for some of the other finds at Mycenae , it was taken from Knossos : if so , the implication is that other pieces of statuary and relief carving from Minoan Knossos were also removed — by some Mycenean equivalent of Lord Elgin , perhaps .
29 It is thus possible that the effect of the Great Conspiracy has been magnified in order to give Count Theodosius greater credibility in his programme of restoration .
30 It is thus possible that there exists today , in some archive , library or monastery in Ireland or Wales , a corpus of material comparable in value to the texts found at Nag Hammadi , or to the Dead Sea Scrolls .
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