Example sentences of "[adv] yet take " in BNC.

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1 He guessed that she had not yet taken the man his breakfast .
2 For some years I have been thinking of buying a word processor but have not yet taken the plunge .
3 The bones of the arm had for the most part fused but fusion had not yet taken place between the radius and ulna , which would be expected to have occurred by the age of twenty-one .
4 The collective mind in action is clearly an important topic but it seems to be a challenge which psychologists have not yet taken up .
5 A further revolution that has not yet taken hold widely in Japan is that of networking personal computers and word processors , and one American working for a large Japanese company in Tokyo complained to Reuter of hours spent every day hunting down paper documents written on dedicated word processors and then stuffing them laboriously into facsimile machines — when an efficient personal computer network could save all the effort .
6 As of late March , Feigen succeeded in freezing the assets of Hildenbrand and Lanzone until 1 May , but he had not yet taken any legal action in Japan .
7 However , this redistribution has not yet taken place to any significant extent , with the acute hospital sector managing to preserve its stranglehold upon health care expenditure .
8 It may be assumed that the impulse of cruelty arises from the instinct for mastery and appears a period of sexual life at which the genitals have not yet taken over their later role .
9 This caution is all the more necessary when we realize that there are varieties in which this change has not yet taken place , more than three centuries later , and that there are yet other varieties in which different changes have taken place .
10 Perhaps he should extend it , for he had not yet taken Alice to the promised lunch at the Ritz , or been up to Leicestershire to see Mrs Appleby , or fulfilled his promise to Jenny to go down to Calking to see the shop and meet Jack and his family .
11 ‘ He has not yet taken final vows , ’ said Cadfael .
12 He thought : we are still safe , she and I. I have not yet taken the step .
13 ‘ The situation is very worrying , but we have not yet taken a decision on a major campaign .
14 We have not yet taken decisions on the recognition of the republics of the Soviet Union — apart from the Baltic states — as they are still discussing among themselves their future relations .
15 In compulsory competitive tendering the Government are merely bringing up the rear and ensuring that local authorities that have not yet taken advantage of those techniques are brought up to the level of the best .
16 He procured there 2 species of parrots he had not yet taken , an albatross , teal , gulls , and the eggs of the latter . ’
17 The drought had not yet taken a stranglehold , although the landscape looked parched and drier than it had for years .
18 The health council has not yet taken an official position on the board 's proposals , but Mr Tait said that since Arbroath was a popular holiday town , it required better services than that of a cottage hospital .
19 I all had hoped to be able to bring before you a final draft of th the service it has not yet finally been passed by the Presbyterian Church of Wales therefore , discussions on what form and how it will be printed have not yet taken place .
20 No , we have not yet taken the minutes for this sub-committee , I have simply asked you to take it together with this agenda item .
21 Stephen has gone through confession , and is , he declares , ‘ Ready to forge that language ’ , but he declares it in a language that will not yet take Joyce out of desperation .
22 ‘ I think we have now convinced the Council of Mortgage Lenders that the new testing regime is acceptable , but they have n't yet taken the brakes off , ’ Stimson said .
23 As far as I know , Sainsburys have n't yet taken that decision they 've they 've hung on the brink for more than six months now .
24 Erm but my councillors have n't yet taken a view on whether there is a possible site in Harrogate district .
25 There were only thirty visitors over the weekend Only one signing up for an organically grown allotment.It seems the message has n't yet taken root with the general public .
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