Example sentences of "[adv] to death " in BNC.

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1 ‘ An honest woman is above rubies , and an evil one — her feet go down to death , her steps take hold on hell . ’
2 Some sufferers have been known to jog themselves literally to death , despite being told by doctors of the specific risks they would incur by taking further exercise .
3 They were driven away to death row in Pretoria 's central prison .
4 Within the family itself , each member contributes as part of the system , being in some way a member from birth through to death , so that the system has a long history .
5 She could feel the great flight of the dragon and sensed that she was high in air and travelling fast towards the sunset ; she could feel the great muscles of the dragon 's wings send ripplings down the stomach walls and she gave herself over to death .
6 In Leach [ 1969 ] , The Times , 13 January , a man had himself crucified ( though not to death ) .
7 It was a memorable flight because the wings iced over , forcing the pilot to dive , and left Lord Aldington feeling that ‘ we came close to death ’ .
8 He remained with Vivienne , the bank , and years of exhaustion in which he came close to death .
9 We have arrived at chapter 22 , but before we deal with it in detail , we must look quickly at another story that lies between Isaac 's birth and his coming so soon and so close to death .
10 It is quite obvious that each type of violence varies considerably in its degree : physical force can be anything from a mere push to a brutal beating which leaves the victim close to death , and a sexual assault may be anything from a brief touching to a gross form of sexual violation .
11 You did n't have to go in for banging drums and shaking rattles to be a shaman ; you had simply to have suffered tremendously , been torn apart , come close to death .
12 I continued along a path over the bluffs following a waymarked nature trail , where the main animal life seemed to be a few pregnant sheep blowing about dangerously close to death on the rocks below .
13 In 1975 when Jock Stein was almost killed in a car crash , he lay in a Dumfries hospital dangerously close to death with a fractured skull .
14 A SURGEON told yesterday how stabbed policewoman Leslie Harrison came close to death as his team battled to save her .
15 The brutal attack by David Makka , 22 , left Susan Lawson , 20 , brain-damaged and close to death , a judge was told yesterday at Newcastle Crown Court .
16 Name a person whom you would wish to be contacted if you are seriously ill and close to death
17 Although close to death — he died shortly afterwards at his Ilminster home — he insisted on going through with his contribution .
18 Then he said , ‘ I knew an eagle once who was also ill and close to death .
19 She had come so close to death .
20 Tears had followed , both women understandably shaken by their ordeal , by the knowledge of how close to death they had come .
21 It 's only now , I suppose , that all of us who were involved have started to realise just how close to death we were .
22 According to Thomas Edwards [ q.v. ] , a friend despite their differences , he was consumptive and often close to death , and rarely able to preach .
23 Hundreds more were injured when police attacked the demonstration and Clarence Baker spent weeks close to death .
24 But it was only fourteen weeks ago that her mother Snazana came to Britain with her in a condition close to death .
25 But it was only fourteen weeks ago that her mother Snazana came to Britain with her in a condition close to death .
26 Twice eighteen month old Pickle dragged himself home close to death with the noose pulled tight around his neck
27 Tinitus in her ears is the only physical reminder of the violent illness … which left her unconscious and close to death .
28 He came close to death and is still trying to come to terms with the attack .
29 Now , TB is practically non-existent in the Western world , and something we tend to forget all about , except on the odd cultural occasion when we hear Mimi coughing herself so touchingly and melodically to death in La Bohème , or read the life of a Lakeland poet , or dwell on the saga of the Lady of the Camellias .
30 Not , miraculously , through any major blood vessels , or I would by now have bled internally to death .
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