Example sentences of "[adv] as to form " in BNC.

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1 He knew and practised all the rules of art , and from a composition of Raphael , Carracci , and Guido , made up a style , of which the only fault was , that it has no manifest defects and no striking beauties ; and that the principles of his composition are never blended together , so as to form one uniform body original in its kind , or excellent in any view .
2 ‘ … the main idea is that social phenomena are seen as existing in relation to each other , and continually developing in and through such relations so as to form at various phases contradictory forces that generate qualitatively new formations .
3 But given that they can have their position specified , and can interpret this position so as to form the pattern , then this provides a very powerful means of generating patterns .
4 We hope that you will build upon these so as to form a continuing association with your University .
5 Then great standing stones brought to mark the way at intervals , and on a bank leading up to a mountain ridge or down to a ford the track cut deep so as to form a guiding notch on the skyline as you come up .
6 The major national breweries themselves began to either acquire or be acquired by non-brewing companies so as to form larger conglomerates such as Allied-Lyons ( formed when Allied Breweries took over the catering group J. Lyons in 1978 ) , Grand Metropolitan ( formed when Grand Met Hotels took over Truman Hanbury and Buxton in 1971 and Watney Mann in 1972 ) and Imperial ( formed when Imperial Tobacco acquired Courage Breweries in 1972 ) .
7 The edges of adjacent planks were not fastened together mechanically but stood open so as to form a V-shaped groove .
8 If you are in doubt , keeping the puppy on your left side , and facing forwards , loop one end of the chain through the other , so as to form a circle .
9 It is expected that a draft of the proposed Railway Clearing House submission will have been completed prior to the meeting so as to form a basis for discussion .
10 He describes his own ( very Darwinian ! ) experiment in which he allowed the stolons of Saxifraga sarmentosa ( a classic ‘ guerrilla ’ growth form ) to encounter an artificial vegetation that he had constructed : ‘ Many long pins were next driven rather close together into the sand , so as to form a crowd in front of … two thin lateral branches ; but these easily wound their way through the crowd .
11 It therefore becomes imperative that the scriptures be interpreted so as to form a consistent whole .
12 The lateral sclerites usually comprise two plates on either side , closely hinged together so as to form a fulcrum between the head and prothorax .
13 Later , as the sac-like evagination develops , the bases of the epithelial cells become drawn out into long processes , so imparting a spongy texture to the tissues of the wing-pad , and the basement membranes of the lower and upper epithelia become apposed for most of their area so as to form the so-called middle membrane ( Fig. 30 ) .
14 Immediately underneath the stone lay a cist containing several rude cinerary urns , and alongside of it were found a gold fibula and an armilla of a peculiar type made from a broad band of gold beaten out so as to form a convex centre , on each side of which was a fluted ornamental border , and a raised rim returned at the edge . "
15 Narrowly dyadic relationships of this kind show no tendency to proliferate outwards so as to form a wider network , and , since they are usually short-lived , anthropologists have not often given them much attention .
16 In all cases , however , the broken ends of the DNA on either side of the initial cut are apparently sealed so as to form hairpins , as Martin Gellert ( NIH ) showed , before they are nicked to form the final joint ( a process reminiscent of the reaction mechanism employed by topisomerases ) .
17 They considered that a building or product can not be regarded as a complex structure if it has been wholly constructed or manufactured by one person , so as to form a single indivisible unit .
18 The best argument for the statue being a fixture was its careful siting in the West Lawn so as to form an integral part of the architectural design of the west elevation of the house .
19 A statement forms part of the res gestae of a case if it is made contemporaneously with or shortly after any act or occurrence in issue in the proceedings so as to form part of the same transaction .
20 At first they seemed so close together as to form an impassable barrier , but as they drew nearer it became clear that they were several yards apart .
21 In many cases local authorities have taken the initial steps and some have gone so far as to form housing associations for the specific purpose of transfer .
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