Example sentences of "[adv] as to create " in BNC.

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1 Mr George Gardiner ( C. Reigate ) asked how was Mr Hurd going to explain to ethnic minorities already in this country the strict entry controls on their relatives ‘ while at the same time amending the law so as to create a preferential class of treatment for the Hong Kong Chinese ’ ?
2 The origins of this view probably came from within the Board of Education under Morant who , together with his assistants , desired to bridge the gap between education and industry so as to create a ‘ balanced culture for the masses ’ with the schools providing pupils with ‘ meaning for the work they did with their hands ’ .
3 Authors of such reforms believe that greater diversity could be achieved by imposing restrictions on rules of ownership , by imposing levies on advertising revenue so as to create a pool of funds for alternative publications , and generally by controlling free-market forces .
4 In our system , we upset the pattern of tension in the epidermis by cutting so as to create a free epidermal edge .
5 WACC-AR should develop leadership and resources so as to create a more critically aware consumer media , thus achieving a level of media literacy parallel to that of reading literacy ;
6 Decision-makers in crises take trouble in analysing how their words and actions will be interpreted by others , sometimes so as to avoid misinterpretations , sometimes so as to create them .
7 The treaty commitments are interlocked so as to create ‘ the component parts of the political settlement . ’
8 Even if an officer is working on a pollution problem requiring repeated visits , he continues to do the unpredictable wherever possible to provide the polluter with few opportunities to organize his activities so as to create a spurious impression that things are under control .
9 There was a widely held concern to improve the effectiveness of professionals working together , and to involve parents more fully , so as to create a system in which there is openness , effective communication and negotiated decisions about priorities for young disabled people .
10 However , if the non-arts staff in LEAs and colleges who did wish to offer a higher priority to arts education were to find the climate of opinion changed so as to create an environment more conducive to the arts , it is difficult to imagine how the current state of thinking amongst arts staff might contribute to an improvement in arts education practices .
11 Central was the requirement that internal tariff ( customs duty ) , quota and non-tariff barriers to trade in goods should be abolished so as to create an enlarged European economic space .
12 In the longer term they should go so as to create a real ‘ Europe without frontiers ’ .
13 On Aug. 17 IRNA reported Rafsanjani as having told the Turkish President Turgut Özal during a telephone conversation that " peace with Iraq is a different issue , and we hold to our view that Iraq must evacuate its forces from Kuwait so as to create the necessary conditions for the re-establishment of peace and tranquillity " .
14 Charles decided that the accused had the bank 's authority to draw the cheque so as to create a contract between the bank and the payee .
15 One of the key differences between this type of play and educational drama is that the latter is specifically structured so as to create learning opportunities .
16 The later Mariner 10 probe , launched in 1974 , confirmed that the dense sulphuric clouds moved across the sky so rapidly as to create violent storms at the surface .
17 The British War Cabinet even went so far as to create a special committee to guide Swinton during the talks .
18 Barclay 's has gone as far as to create a ‘ high technology ’ unit to examine requests for finance from possible customers .
19 The Greek governing party , PASOK , went as far as to create a ‘ Green Guard ’ around the Premier Papandreou .
20 Universities can now apply for funds to found postgraduate departments as well as to create academic research institutes linking universities with the industrial and business world .
21 In practice , however , such arrangements have often tended to cause further confusion ( particularly for consumers ) , as well as to create acrimony between the authorities concerned .
22 In present everyday usage the phrase could be understood to mean quite simply that capital , or more precisely , the people disposing of it , treats labour , or more precisely , the people employed , so badly as to create resentment .
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