Example sentences of "[adv] as to produce " in BNC.

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1 The core is aligned with one coil picking up the north-south field and inclined at roughly 67° to the horizontal and adjusted so as to produce the largest positive output from the amplifier .
2 In Hobbes 's view , humans always act according to desires , and so always act so as to produce the increase in vital motion , which is pleasure .
3 Consent is represented as the critical feature of the law which ensures the patient 's right to self-determination , whereas , in fact , it is referred to and manipulated so as to produce the opposite result .
4 The questions can be listed in rough under the headings ( some people put each question on a card to begin with ) and then they can be moved about so as to produce what seems to be a good ‘ flow ’ for the interview .
5 The latter is probably due to early stages of digestion of the dentine , with penetration between the enamel and dentine so as to produce the uneven edge to the enamel .
6 The mode of operation can be adjusted so as to produce a high content of aromatic ( benzene-like ) molecules which give the product its characteristically high octane number .
7 They worked through the night so as to produce a document to deposit with the local planning officer , the library and museum in Totnes .
8 ‘ Real ’ Christianity , in Clarkson 's words , depended upon ‘ a total change of heart or of mind so as to produce a corresponding change of Life ’ .
9 The sentences for those offences would be made concurrent , so as to produce a total of six months for all the offences for which the appellant was committed under Criminal Justice Act 1967 , s.56 .
10 The suspended sentence would be activated with the term reduced so as to produce an overall total of 18 months .
11 As these changes in electrical potential may be very small in relation to fluctuations in ongoing EEG activity the usual procedure is to use a computer to sum the potentials during the half-second or so following each presentation of the evoking stimulus so as to produce an average value .
12 Subjects were presented with a computer controlled tone in one ear and had to match this tone through movements of the tongue which were transduced so as to produce a sound which was relayed to the other ear .
13 On the instrument rating test you are required to adjust your outbound time so as to produce and overall time of 4 minutes .
14 scientist applies mathematical and statistical formulae to models of an inventory so as to produce data on which buying and stockholding decisions can be taken .
15 In the Essex research , written up in ‘ Industrial Organization : Theory and Practice , O.U.P. , 1965 it was felt necessary to sub-divide these broad categories further so as to produce eleven .
16 In the patrilineal extended families of the Nambudiri landlord aristocrats only the eldest son was allowed to marry with full Vedic rites so as to produce legitimate children .
17 Some spectrometers can be operated so as to produce a spectrum of absorbance A , where peak height is a direct measure of intensity .
18 Rental obligations are to be apportioned between the finance element , which is to be charged to the profit and loss account , and the capital element which is to be applied to reduce the outstanding obligation for future instalments so as to produce a periodic rate of charge which represents a constant proportion of the balance of capital repayments outstanding .
19 Rental obligations are to be apportioned between the finance element , which is to be charged to the profit and loss account , and the capital element which is to be applied to reduce the outstanding obligation for future instalments so as to produce a periodic rate of charge which represents a constant proportion of the balance of capital repayments outstanding .
20 In order to meet most of the cost of this new central government spending , the standard rate of value added tax would go up from 15 to 17.5 per cent effective April 1 ( the first increase since June 1979 ) so as to produce anticipated additional revenue of nearly £4,000 million in 1991-92 .
21 The resulting material is then mixed with other waste plastics so as to produce a range of products , including chairs and tables , marine wood , toothbrush handles and weatherproof flooring .
22 If we admit it to be true but its truth is not probable in the principal incidence , and still less in the manner in which the characters influence the incidents , so as to produce conduct .
23 The German Idealist tradition was born out of the rejection of British empiricism and some political commentators have urged that the legacy of this can still be seen in the idea that ‘ the Germans have only really to desire change in order to achieve basic changes in their position , and that these changes would in consequence alter the European scene so radically as to produce the longed-for peace ’ .
24 Some providers have already gone as far as to produce prospectuses outlining their services .
25 No one showed himself more resourceful in circumnavigating clerical consciences and objections or more resolute in extracting from them his needs ; even force — used tactfully — was employed to ease conscience as well as to produce cash .
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