Example sentences of "[adv] as ensure " in BNC.

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1 Following government policy on market testing , and so as to ensure that the MOD operates within the agreed financial and manpower budgets , some catering facilities on RAF units have been transferred to contract catering operations .
2 It was generally believed that they were proposing to seek an electoral pact with the Conservatives , so as to ensure that they would hold their seats against what was expected to be a Conservative landslide at the next general election .
3 Other automated items such as baskets and shake alarms ( signalling the moment during cooking when it is necessary to shake the basket so as to ensure even cooking throughout ) are already available as an option on many machines , while some units will even tell you when to change the oil !
4 Moreover , if the criminal law is to impose duties of these kinds , it should publicize them widely , so as to ensure compliance with the principle of legality .
5 Conscious that , if this buying-out aspect of the report was to be approved by the Committee the Club would , in losing its bondholders , also lose the long-term continuity and stability on its Committee previously created by their existence , Robert Naish 's Sub-Committee incorporated a contentious recommendation ( in which it fervently believed ) so as to ensure a measure of long-term Committee continuity .
6 Indeed , as Sutherland and Mackintosh ( 1971 ) have pointed out , Siegels 's training apparatus was specifically arranged so as to ensure that the rats would adopt response strategies of the sort they did .
7 Incidentally , the working pattern of these bodyguards , so it transpired over the following days , entailed one or the other of them going up to sleep at unusual hours so as to ensure at least one was on duty throughout the night .
8 We are , therefore , anxious that he should not be thrown away in some other role and I hope that any plan he has made will be carefully examined so as to ensure that as far as possible he does not do something foolhardy .
9 The role of the organiser is vital in providing careful preparation and support so as to ensure that identifiable outcomes result from the placement .
10 South Africa 's reply has been to attack transport and economic installations that link the neighbours so as to ensure that they remain dependent on South Africa .
11 An accurate account would have to have regard to all those instances where a remedy has been accorded by a state party simply to forestall a successful application and to those cases , also , where breach had been avoided in the first place by reason of adjustment of procedures so as to ensure compliance with the Convention .
12 BDO then agreed with the participants what information would be prepared and on what bases , so as to ensure comparability .
13 Their imperatives were comparatively simple ; to procreate and protect themselves and perpetuate the social order — preferably under their own control — so as to ensure a supply of human hosts .
14 As we have seen , the realization of this objective requires that a broad variety of mechanisms are institutionalized so as to ensure that the business of government is conducted in accordance with the rule of law .
15 This required taking such steps as arranging the candidate 's schedule so as to ensure that he arrived at campaign stops in time for coverage on the nightly news .
16 The close geographical proximity between the Japanese home islands and Korea resulted in Japanese determination to assert herself in Korea so as to ensure the more effective defence of Japan herself ; in addition , it was hoped to exploit Korea economically .
17 c ) We shall continually review our debt recovery procedures and those of solicitors , debt collection agencies and others whose services we use to obtain repayment of debts , so as to ensure that acceptable standards are maintained .
18 In a broader context , it can , as ideological preference may urge , be regarded either as part of the exercise in the 1860s of that liberal political wisdom which freely conceded timely advances to the advocates of change and so harnessed their energies and aspirations to the support of the general interest in the maintenance of stability and the creation of wealth in a prospering nation ; or as part of the calculated manipulation of events so as to ensure the preservation of the existing social structure against fundamental changes such as the institution of a juster order would require .
19 Indeed , Willig suggests that by modifying the structure so as to ensure that HJKL is substantially greater than FEHG , the price p , can be lowered slightly .
20 These were set out facing the way the explorer had gone so as to ensure a good view of him on his return .
21 This in turn will enable it to influence prices in the market so as to ensure continuing profitability .
22 8 Each party is " disciplined " and possesses sufficient internal cohesion , so as to ensure that once in office it is able to carry its programme through the House of Commons and into law .
23 The rules of the game , then , far from being set by society so as to ensure fair play for all , seemed to be set by the local authorities .
24 In these circumstances it will be important for organizations to plan for such a future , so as to ensure that :
25 Interviews are generally conducted in a structured form , so as to ensure consistency between interviewers .
26 The report recommended approval and development on a national basis , but with modifications so as to ensure that those taking the courses were prepared for employment .
27 They will obviously arrange their affairs so as to ensure a steady stream of maturing loans .
28 The crisis passed , somewhat to my surprise , and I would not dismiss the possibility that Eliot , acting so as to ensure that the information should not be disclosed to me , had something to do with it .
29 Will he accept its deep gratitude for the way in which his officials are explaining his Department 's needs so as to ensure that the right commercial decisions are made about the markets to go for in future ?
30 Groups such as Families Against Intimidation and Terror , the Newry hostage support group , Enough is Enough , the Peace Train Movement and New Consensus in Northern Ireland are standing up against the people of violence so as to ensure that there is another approach and a different tactic .
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