Example sentences of "[adv] at full " in BNC.

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1 He added that people usually pale below the eyes and above the cheek bones , have many dreams including nightmares and hallucinations , suffer disturbed sleep especially at full moon , get up tired and listless , are prone to attacks of flu , and are driven to drink , drugs and heavy smoking .
2 Since she had been working more or less at full stretch before she 'd been given the extra work to do , there was only one way she could fit more work into her day , and that was by working late at the office , then going home with a bulging briefcase .
3 Instead , he has relied on great fitness and stamina to enable him to keep sprinting in at full pace , and speed of arm and perfect balance to capitalize on the momentum ; combined with an unrelenting desire to keep on taking more and more wickets , it has all proved irresistible .
4 The noise of music did not reach this far , but the voices of the women , who chattered away at full blast , were just as loud .
5 All nine aircraft clattered away at full power down the ‘ deck ’ , with their nosewheels coming off the ground very quickly , in what was one of the most impressive set pieces seen by the writer in many years .
6 Although it was barely daylight , they were already twittering and tweeting away at full pelt .
7 It was felt essential to continue the Course at a National level and be available to students from a distance and as our training strength is already at full stretch it would not be possible at present to consider a weekly training course , which had been mooted to run alongside .
8 For Pound undoubtedly made the poem more obscure by asking for the excision of some transitional and bridging passages where the language was not at full pressure , but on the other hand he caused to be removed some extended sections which , being plainly extraneous , could only have added to readers ' bafflement .
9 Last night , emergency services were still at full stretch and a full picture of the disaster had not yet emerged .
10 Caradryel introduces the system of rotating units to the Gateway fortresses so that the garrisons are always at full strength .
11 The identity , however , is converted into a theory of the determination of the price level by assuming : ( a ) that the money supply is determined by the monetary authorities ; ( b ) that the number of transactions is fixed in the short-run because of the classical presumption that the economy operates automatically at full employment ; and ( c ) that the velocity of circulation is also fixed in the short-run because it depends largely on institutional factors ( such as whether workers are paid weekly or monthly ) which themselves tend to remain constant for long periods of time .
12 The advance guard of men on mules and horses came up in regular lines but as soon as they got near they dashed up at full gallop , shouting and brandishing their weapons , each man shrieking out how many men he had killed ; and then they wheeled round to make room for others .
13 : Labour and machines are both at full capacity in department Z. This situation needs to be looked at very carefully .
14 The magnificent wings were laid out at full stretch , as though the swan were in flight , and the head rested with a perfect profile uppermost , above the frozen curve of the neck .
15 The stereo cassette is an essential tool , with Queen blasting out at full volume while she produces her fine work .
16 She is a clinical lecturer , University of Oxford and back at full time work as Consultant Dermatologist after maternity leave .
17 WEST Hartlepool will be back at full strength for Saturday 's National Division Two promotion showdown at home to injury-hit Newcastle Gosforth .
18 They pay a fixed rate of interest and carry a promise that the capital will be paid back at full face value at a pre-determined date in the future .
19 Oxford , now at full steam , were not going to be caught , eventually crossing the line , at 36 to Cambridge 's 35 .
20 The stag was now at full gallop on the springy turf .
21 The Edinburgh side are now at full strength which is bad news for Kelburne whose international players , David Fowler and Michael Starling , have to readjust to the indoor set-up after their trip to Cairo last week with the Scottish outdoor squad .
22 Suppleness or flexibility is vital to the tennis player who needs the ability to move the various parts of his body through a full range of movements , often at full stretch .
23 Northern Ireland international Mal Donaghy and his colleagues in the Chelsea defence were often at full stretch to keep out this dynamic duo , who were ably supported by the surging runs of Republic of Ireland international midfielder Roy Keane .
24 Because of this , it can operate for 15 hours continuously at full power , stopping only to pick up a new coal pack .
25 Grant sweeps around at full speed and heads for land .
26 Spruce , signed just three seasons ago from Widnes Tigers amateur club , said : ‘ After switching about a lot this season I 've settled in well at full back and it 's a position I really enjoy .
27 Ruth wanted to turn and plunge away , to strike out blindly through the water ; but Adam kept hold of her , and she knew the coast here was treacherous — even at full tide there were currents that could sweep you out to sea .
28 October marked the moment at which power began to move from the hands of the mass movement , then at full tide , into the hands of an organization determined to exercise control from above .
29 The new information on the inefficiency of bleach , alongside the trends indicated by our London data , suggests that household bleach should only be recommended as a last resort in the absence of sterile syringes and only then at full strength ( 5.25% sodium hypochlorite ) .
30 This is because electricity generation is far more efficient when demand is consistent and the fact that recharging would take place at night plus the fact that peak transport demand is generally in summer , would mean that more generating plant could operate consistently at full load thus lowering the unit cost of electricity .
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