Example sentences of "[adv] listening to " in BNC.

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1 I want to hear what you 've got to say now 'cos at the moment it 's hard enough listening to your gems to even contemplate buying what 's spouting out of your Arsenal .
2 She sat impatiently listening to the teacher 's drivel about the fault in the program he was about to network .
3 After that , he merely sat , smoking Woodbines and idly listening to Music While You Work on the radio .
4 Even in those large congregations all the bidding prayers are spontaneous , beautifully prayed and with everyone obviously listening to what was being said .
5 Outside there were several neighbours obviously listening to what was going on in our house , but I just pushed through them .
6 To the end , he is merely listening to his subjects , respecting without judging them and keeping us , as readers , flush against them , indulging in their foibles and sharing their fantasies .
7 The way he gained ‘ the word that sustains the weary ’ was not like a bolt from the blue , but through patiently listening to God morning by morning .
8 that it is crucial to draw attention to fundamental assumptions in our society , and to keep open for pupils the options of accepting , modifying or rejecting these views ( Chapters 2 – 3 ) ; 2. that the purpose of RE is pupils ' self-education , engaging in depth upon the meaning and truth-claims of religions in a way which is relevant to their total experience of life ( Chapter 4 ) ; 3. that space needs to be given in which pupil involvement has a chance to develop , together with creativity , a sense of wonder and the cultivation of inner quietness ( Chapters 5 and 6 ) ; 4. that teachers need to model a positive , fair and balanced approach to the diversity of religious traditions and outlooks , and the controversy which these can generate ( Chapter 8 ) ; 5. that in a spirit of critical affirmation it is important to develop skills of evaluation and criteria for discernment ( Chapters 7 and 9 ) ; 6. that the crucial need is to put persons first , to establish genuine relationships which are affirming of pupils , believing that they have something to give , and so listening to them and responding to them — and in the light of this to encourage their capacity for self-assessment ( Chapter 10 ) ; 7. that the distinction between education and dogmatic teaching is all-important and that , provided this is borne in mind , opportunities for stillness and possible worship can be an invaluable aid to education ( Chapters 6 and 11 ) ; 8. that RE can relate in a dynamic and creative way to all other areas of the curriculum ( Chapters 12 and 13 ) .
9 The hope is that the professionals who are part of the group are not only listening to but also acting on the ideas that are put forward by members of the group .
10 Frederick was leaning on his pitchfork , apparently listening to Mister Johnny who was waving his small hands and gabbling .
11 Two of the Bernard brothers first saw her seated at a bar drinking , whilst apparently listening to her male companion who was talking to her , quietly and seriously and in an unobtrusive manner .
12 Now , she lay panting by the fire , warming her flanks and apparently listening to the humans ' conversation .
13 It was ten minutes before he followed her , finding her in the kitchen apparently listening to a mid-Saturday morning news flash on the radio there with blank-eyed concentration .
14 ‘ In some gaols you see ’ , wrote Howard , ‘ boys of twelve or fourteen eagerly listening to the stories told by practised and experienced criminals , of their adventures , successes , stratagems and escapes . ’
15 Only later did Sukarno reveal the full venom of his animosity ( ‘ While I was taking hammer blows on the head his entire underground effort can be summed up by saying he sat quietly and safely away somewhere listening to a clandestine radio ’ ) .
16 I kept on listening to the show .
17 Animism has its own heady pleasures , however , and I went on listening to Michael Quirke and admiring wooden statuette after statuette .
18 ‘ I know I ca n't go on listening to it all day , but find it one more time . ’
19 Kate felt her cheeks tinge once more with pink as she went on listening to the good-natured chaff Mike Booker was taking on her behalf .
20 But he shoved them aside like inconsiderate pushers-in at a concert , and went on listening to Izzie playing her pipe or Lucie speaking the verses .
21 Advantage of powering the receiver all the time the vehicle is moving is that , even though the driver is not listening to the receiver , it is continuously being updated by RDS data , in the same way as if the driver were listening to the CD player .
22 ‘ You 're not listening to me , Boyo , ’ he exclaimed , a look of annoyance on his face .
23 And my elder brother , he had told me the same thing — ‘ Babi , you are not listening to us so we are not responsible for anything . ’
24 He went on staring at the television screen , not listening to the next item , but trying to work out the puzzle .
25 He replied , ‘ Herr Karajan , do you imagine that I am not listening to what you are doing ?
26 Then he was up and levering the round boulder free , not listening to it crash down the mountain , doubting if the attackers would hear or see — and , if they did , whether they would be persuaded that it was his own body tumbling — but it was one extra little chance that cost him only a few seconds .
27 Often there is no intention to frustrate the child ; the rejections — such as not listening to or fobbing off the child — may be the consequences of the parent 's being too busy with chores or being tired and irritable after a day 's work , and so forth .
28 ‘ You 're not listening to — ‘
29 Is it because we have not been speaking out when we should have at injustice , not proclaiming the truth , not listening to our watchmen , not praying , not doing , not sending and not CARING ?
30 But I was not listening to the professor 's explanation .
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