Example sentences of "[adv] to consider [art] " in BNC.

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1 ( Mackie , 1974 , Ch. 6 ) We will do better to consider the objection that science does not in fact involve or make use of a conception of causal and other nomic connection .
2 It seems to me better to consider the particular relationship in hand , and see whether or not , as a matter of policy economic loss should be recoverable .
3 Section 2.3 covers the key ideas of contestability and sustainability ( roughly , ease of entry and natural protection from inefficient entry ) and section 2.4 draws the various concepts together to consider the case for regulation .
4 If two years is n't enough to consider the proposals that my group have consistently put forward , I do n't know how long it 's .
5 I urge him not merely to consider the matter but , because of the strength of feeling shown here , to take action as soon as possible , so that our hon. and learned Friend the Member for Leicester , West and his family will not have suffered in vain .
6 In case the House doubts the substance behind that view , it has only to consider a Gallup opinion poll that appeared recently in The Daily Telegraph .
7 The primary intention is only to consider the Cossacks on a formation basis , and certainly all the evidence indicates that it never entered the mind of anyone at HQ 5 corps that a comprehensive detailed screening process should take place , to sort out liability to repatriation on an individual basis .
8 It is no good knocking local authorities — we have only to consider the figures to see the massive amount that has been removed from rate support grant while the number of elderly people has increased .
9 It sometimes helps to decide first the desired output from the system and work backwards to consider the input , leading to a statement of the desired transformation .
10 Nevertheless to consider the National Curriculum as a list of subjects runs the danger of expressing it in a way which over-emphasises information and a narrow range of skills at the expense of the development of a full range of socially useful skills , attitudes and ideas , which is usually the concern of interested parents and can even be seen in a child 's view of the purpose of education .
11 Thus to consider a professional-client relationship when relating professionalism to teaching is made even more difficult since it is impossible to view this relationship in personal terms .
12 The UN Human Rights Commission voted on March 4 not to consider a resolution condemning China for human rights abuses in Tibet .
13 McLeish gritted his teeth , and , trying not to consider the implications of what he had been told .
14 We are some way yet from Autumn but that is no reason not to consider the way we can change colours on the needlebed to use up left over yarn or simply make a splash with colours we 've always wanted to knit together .
15 Evans has decided not to consider the nine players who are involved in the East Wales v West Wales match on Monday and has named seven of his Under-21 players .
16 Its terms were so depressingly restrictive — it was not to consider the guilt or innocence of Meehan or Waddell — that the Meehan Committee and Meehan himself debated whether to give evidence to it or not .
17 The ICC Banking Commission decided not to consider the issues raised by the Australian bankers , pointing out , inter alia , that the legal nature of NVOCC bills was a legal determination to be made in accordance with the local law of the place of issuance or presentation of the bill .
18 She tried hard not to consider the man sitting next to her and to answer the question logically .
19 What I have advocated is possible and not just a dream , but it would be remiss of me not to consider the nightmare scenario of colliery closures at a time when we are increasing restructuring grants by £1,000 million .
20 Further evidence of the evolution of an anti-abortionist majority on the Supreme Court was apparent in its decision on June 3 not to consider the case of Planned Parenthood v. AID .
21 But it would be arrogant and foolish not to consider the opportunities that change provided .
22 The terms of reference were broadly to consider the principles to be adopted in the clearance of slum areas , but interestingly the Committee 's conclusions adopted a city-wide perspective , placing the reconstruction of older areas in the context of territorially diffused urban growth .
23 It is important always to consider the probable roles of teacher pupils and program to ensure that the partnership is a productive one .
24 His response to her warm generosity , his attention when she swept all importances aside to consider the greater importance of the 3.30 at Newmarket , won her completely .
25 The case itself was taken a step further to consider the effect of the various documents in the light of section 10 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 , which prohibits exclusion clauses in one contract , which purport to affect another agreement .
26 Union officials claimed their members were locked out after the 400 strong workforce , which has been on strike for just over two weeks , met yesterday to consider a management proposal .
27 SCOTVEC will need carefully to consider the validity and ease of operation of the new system , and whether it meets the needs of higher education and employers .
28 My own ‘ anthropological history ’ in this liminoid phase became extended over eight years , until 1974 , and not only gave me time to reflect on many of the controls we were required to impose , but also to consider the nature of the social harm these unworldly folk devils and ‘ drug fiends ’ were actually causing ; for established society has never really known how to handle the unworldly easily .
29 In addition to the financing of each year 's new borrowing requirement , the Bank has also to consider the refinancing , by the issue of new debt , of that part of the existing National Debt which matures each year since the way in which this is done can affect both the liquidity of financial markets and the structure of interest rates .
30 If appropriate provision for expulsion is essential , it is as well also to consider the eventuality of partners leaving in less contentious circumstances , if only to ensure ( as considered above ) that the firm 's finances are so arranged as to be able to cope with both expected and unexpected departures .
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