Example sentences of "[adv] understand [prep] " in BNC.

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1 but er , I can not understand on the road
2 They set off , but the Friar did not understand at first whom they were following ; it was as though he believed that the children had taken his sack .
3 I could not understand at the time why they thought we were Germans , but I later discovered that they knew we were people from a border and the only border they could think of was the one with Austria , which for them was the same as Germany .
4 I just do not understand at all . ’
5 One of the most frequent reactions to the observation that many people do not understand about mental handicap is to question why they should .
6 If he did not understand about the unicorn or about the many and the one he understood Marian still less when she talked about simple things being difficult .
7 Macbeth is a classic case of a man who does not understand about the co-operation between free will and luck .
8 For one thing we do n't know what they 'd charge , and for another they might not understand about the Time Fire .
9 There is one thing I can not understand about the Labour party policy .
10 The main elements of this configuration are : that there is an unconscious which affects actions in ways the conscious self can not understand without interpretative aids ; that sexuality is a key area of human conduct , and childhood a key phase of human biography ; that culture can be understood as a scene of interaction between unconscious motor forces and consciously established norms .
11 Must we not understand by socialization of the means of production that the means of living and working belong to everyone ? ’
12 I was silent , for I could not understand in what way he meant that my hands were ugly : I had never considered whether they were beautiful or not .
13 Do n't try and answer something you do not understand in the hope that you can work it out as you go along .
14 She shouted things they could not understand before lying face down covering up the words :
15 For Jesus had still much to teach the disciples which they could not understand before his passion ; so he assured them that the Spirit would continue his teaching function among them when he had left them ( 16 : 131 .
16 How can he ever understand about nomes ?
17 Uncle Willi , she was sure , would totally understand about being in love , even though he was Georg 's father , but he would n't understand that you had to be in love on the one night of his party , not when you 'd had all those other evenings with Gesner .
18 Whether a price indication is misleading depends , not upon what the trailer intended to convey , but upon what a consumer might reasonably understand from what he reads or is told .
19 There were so many things I did n't really understand about people , about life .
20 find the square root of minus one we do n't even understand minus one .
21 It means giving the report to someone who knows little or nothing about the actual subject and asking them to say what they do n't understand about it , right down to individual words and sentences .
22 ‘ I do n't understand about the unicorn .
23 Masklin would be the first to admit that he did n't understand about jets and engines and machines , so maybe that was why he did n't worry about travelling in them .
24 ‘ There 's so much I do n't understand about all this , ’ she said .
25 He does n't understand about money or business or politics or machines ; he thinks black vinyl gives a better sound than CDs .
26 He added with a hint of apology : ‘ I do n't understand about this sort of thing . ’
27 They do n't understand about spies and I expect they eat merchants . ’
28 There was an awful lot he did n't understand about this strange world .
29 You know erm I ca n't understand to this day why he did it .
30 But what I could n't understand with this Soun this fella that
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