Example sentences of "[adv] best [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Consequently dependency ratios for future decades are again only best estimates and not real facts .
2 His conclusion is that English , if constituted according to these principles , is the university study not only best suited to produce the truly democratic individual , but the discipline which is " destined in time to become the educational centre in English speaking democracies " .
3 Just how great the change has been is perhaps best illustrated by reference to the number of daily commuters into London .
4 The balance is perhaps best illustrated in the philosophy of what Diana Baumrind calls the ‘ authoritative parent ’ .
5 This is perhaps best illustrated with reference to earthquakes .
6 These are perhaps best illustrated by the workmen who , for example , seem to be incapable of doing anything without 20-minute tea breaks , management which seems uninterested in providing proper supervision , or boards which seem more interested in finding ways of jacking up their remuneration package irrespective of performance , or complaining to Government about interest rates , rather than wondering why they are not making some of the flood of goods which our continental competitors find it profitable to sell to the UK .
7 The significance of autonomy is perhaps best illustrated by considering its absence .
8 This is perhaps best illustrated by considering the assertion that " one way to show that x — 2 is a factor of unc is to put unc ad show that the result is 0 " .
9 This is perhaps best illustrated in the case of Niemeyer : while the Dutch subsidiary 's commonest FL is English , the marketing manager spends his week using mainly Dutch ( 60% ) and then foreign languages ( 40% ) .
10 This is perhaps best illustrated by a brief look at what is happening in Germany , Denmark , the United Kingdom and France , the three largest countries in the Community and the one in which opposition to Maastricht was born .
11 The pressure for change to which intellectuals were subjecting the government was perhaps best illustrated by the fact that on the right of the political spectrum even Mikhail Pogodin , the philosopher of Official Nationality , fell out with the authorities in the course of the war .
12 The importance of deictic information for the interpretation of utterances is perhaps best illustrated by what happens when such information is lacking ( Fillmore , 1975 : 38-9 ) .
13 This is perhaps best understood by the way both choreographers frequently show that certain steps can be danced sur les pointes but can also be jumped , e.g. petits changements or sissonnes piquées .
14 The latter is composed of a penis which is usually unpaired ( but may be double , as in the Ephemeroptera and some Dermaptera ) and a pair of more lateral structures which are perhaps best referred to as parameres , though this term has been used in several different senses .
15 This confidence reflects the essentially optimistic nature of the counselling process , perhaps best expressed through Rogers ' ( 1951b ) concept of the ‘ actualizing ’ or ‘ formative ’ tendency , which he described as :
16 In reality , it was part of a wider problem , perhaps best expressed in the Quadrilogue invectif of the Norman , Alain Chartier , written in 1422 when his homeland had been overrun by the English .
17 The opposing attitude was perhaps best expressed by the great French naturalist , the Comte de Buffon , back in the eighteenth century .
18 Campbell 's argument is perhaps best regarded , therefore , as a ‘ morality of aspiration ’ ( Fuller , 1969 ) — indeed , Campbell himself accepts that his strategy ‘ may seem fanciful in certain respects ’ .
19 That was perhaps best defined by a Manchester committee : " They call in a sense of religious obligation to the aid of industry . "
20 The motor skills domain has received far less attention than the cognitive and affective , and objectives in this field are perhaps best devised from a study of the way skills are learned .
21 Perhaps best to let it go at that .
22 It is claimed that the fabliaux can reduce human characters to merely their genitals — perhaps best represented by the excitement of the three women who find an isolated vit — linking brutal violence with crude language and excluding emotion or affection .
23 This was perhaps best represented by the greatest mathematician of the period , Georg Bernhard Riemann ( 1826–66 ) , whose university teacher 's thesis of 1854 ‘ On the hypotheses which underlie geometry ’ ( published 1868 ) can no more be omitted from a discussion of nineteenth-century science than Newton 's Principia can from that of the seventeenth century .
24 He was surely right to caution that the declaration of a right by a court is perhaps best viewed as the beginning of a political process in which power relationships loom large and immediate .
25 In this sense they are perhaps best viewed as strategic clusters employed to help in the scrutiny of curriculum changes and conflicts . [ … ]
26 Of these , the latter two were especially criticized for their poor records of arrest and/or inactivity ; records perhaps best viewed in the light of the legislation they sought to enforce , the complexity of the offences they where obliged to detect , and last , but by no means least , the limited resources , in terms of finance , manpower , and expertise , made available to them .
27 Professional historians , too , are not unknown to indulge in this kind of historical reasoning , perhaps best exemplified by T. A. Critchley 's raptures about ‘ the native self-discipline of Anglo-Saxon England ’ and ‘ this streak of national self-discipline ’ .
28 The consequences for English studies of the reassessment of liberal humanism in the light of the experience of war and the subsequent emergence of the " affluent society " , and popular and youth cultures , is perhaps best examined through George Steiner 's " after Auschwitz " thesis .
29 In fact their feelings and the vast emotional adjustment they have to make are perhaps best explained to nuclear family dwellers by considering the reverse transplant from nuclear to joint family .
30 The idea of a selfish herd is W. D. Hamilton 's , and is perhaps best explained by his own imaginary example .
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