Example sentences of "[adv] longer see " in BNC.

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1 The years in question are a woman 's fifth decade ; the danger is , predictably , of loss of identity , rejection , pain , a failure any longer to see a purpose in what is left of life .
2 There can be no doubt that the PhD , no longer seen as a sign of unusually high scholarly achievement , has become simply a certificate of professional competence , and that intellectual standards have declined accordingly .
3 Arabs are no longer seen as cowardly and loathsome terrorists ; their determination and solidarity has impressed their enemies .
4 Arabs are no longer seen as cowardly and loathsome terrorists ; their determination and solidarity has impressed their enemies .
5 More and more parents every year are opting for independent schooling for their children : it is no longer seen as exclusively the preserve of a privileged class .
6 Booth-capturing is no longer seen as an outrage and has become a normal part of electoral strategy , particularly in lawless Bihar .
7 But by 1800 , man and woman were no longer seen as similar bodies on different parts of a scale .
8 And what emerged from the response to the article is that reincarnation is no longer seen as the domain of cranks and weirdos .
9 Police numbers and resources are no longer seen as a vade-mecum by the police or the Government ( as Hurd , for example , made clear in his speech to the Police Foundation Conference in Oxford on 11 April 1988 ) — hardly surprising after nine ‘ wasted ’ years .
10 I think , in fact , if I 'm right about soaps becoming more conservative in this way , then does this mean that feminist arguments are no longer seen as relevant for a mass audience ?
11 There used to be brindles , riggits ( linebacks ) and brocket-faces ( large white area down the front of the face but not around the eyes ) but these are no longer seen .
12 Water is therefore no longer seen as a simple collection of individual water molecules , but as a complex random network of molecules linked together by hydrogen bonds and forming extensive three-dimensional structures which are continually changing and reorganizing .
13 Big is no longer seen as beautiful .
14 ‘ The princes are no longer seen in the gardens , child — none as far as I know has had sight or sound of them for several weeks .
15 But when it became known that someone ostensibly in the top echelon of the regime was no longer seen at the Ceauşescus ' palace at the nightly film shows or for chess , then whatever the victim 's ostensible rank , his own hangers-on would begin to look for another patron .
16 In the changed social environment of the reform years , this solution was no longer seen as adequate because there were new problems .
17 In addition some criticism has been made of the new hang as focal paintings viewed down the gallery vistas — for example Raphael 's ‘ Sistine Madonna ’ — are no longer seen in isolation , but comments in the German press and from museum curators have on the whole been overwhelmingly enthusiastic .
18 Theologically separated Christians are no longer seen as simply ‘ outside ’ the Church , ( except by some internal desire on their part ) but , on the contrary , recognized as being united visibly with the Church even if in a state of ‘ imperfect ’ communion .
19 It did , nevertheless , develop a theology of marriage in which procreation was no longer seen as its sole purpose , but conjugal love was recognized as of equal importance , and this inevitably placed the issue of contraception in a somewhat different light .
20 It marked the second French defeat in a year ; it fully restored to the English their military reputation which was no longer seen to depend on one man , Henry V ; and , most important of all , it opened the way southwards for further advance into central France .
21 The yellow rust epidemics which followed the introduction of wheat varieties such as Maris Ranger and Professor Marchal , are no longer seen .
22 After St George 's , almost all Unionist candidates ran without making promises to support the coalition ; this did not mean that all of them joined the diehard group when elected , but it showed that coalition was no longer seen to be a winning ticket .
23 On the immediate constitutional front , corruption was attacked ; virtual representation was no longer seen as enough ; and whilst some attacked the rights of landed property in politics urging the principle that every man of means should be directly represented , some went further to attack the political privilege of all property arguing for the " rights of man " , complete equality , and a democratic republic based on the true sovereignty of all the people .
24 Voluntary work was no longer seen as either a stepping stone to bigger and better things or as a part of a women ‘ s mission , but rather as the exclusive province of married women .
25 New secretary Paul Birks of Mason 's Ironstone , who has taken over from Peter Masheter , said : ‘ Golf is no longer seen as a rich man 's sport and is accessible to all ages and pockets .
26 Protest is no longer seen as being the preserve of the ‘ lunatic fringe ’ ; the nature of the nuclear threat is understood as something which affects everyone .
27 This effect was no longer seen when the DNA denaturation step in the PCNA protocol was replaced by the Saponin digestion step .
28 Also ownership is not the measure of whether something is an asset or not — substance over form — the case of leasing is a good example of how in contemporary accounting practice the idea of legal ownership is no longer seen as vital .
29 In the macroscopically normal intestine from animals infected 11–14 days before the experiment the number of mast cells was increased while the worms were no longer seen .
30 The main problem is that the policy approach that has evolved is no longer seen as efficient .
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