Example sentences of "[adv] usually [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 These are generally expensive so you would only usually take out such a loan if you already know how long the delay will last .
2 This may be a source of embarrassment ; people do not usually meet for social or business purposes dressed in this way .
3 Bankers do not usually forget that sort of thing .
4 Such problems are of combinatorial type and algorithmic solutions do not usually exist .
5 Such problems ( i.e. in aircraft maintenance fault diagnosis , trouble-shooting , monitoring , etc. ) are of an combinatorial type and algorithmic solutions do not usually exist .
6 The reason why it is difficult in English to obtain direct evidence for the involvement of a superficial representation in the interpretation of definite pronouns ( the most common kind of deep anaphor ) is that the form of a pronoun does not usually depend on how its antecedent was ( or might be ) described .
7 Decisions on allocation do not usually depend solely upon the pupil 's attainment in school but often take account of such factors as pupil motivation and behaviour .
8 A ‘ life sentence ’ does not usually mean that the prisoner is kept in prison until he or she dies ( although it may ) , but lifers are only released at the discretion of the Parole Board and the Home Secretary .
9 Methods such as base stock and LIFO ( last in first out ) do not usually bear such a relationship .
10 Knowledge of the world tells us that houses which contain living rooms do not usually contain bars .
11 The heading does not usually contain numbers , abbreviations or measurements .
12 The use of tranquillizers of either the major ( e.g. phenothiazines ) or minor groups ( e.g. benzodiazepines ) does not usually appear to be helpful .
13 Yet people with more or less stable impairments , struggling to make their way as oppressed citizens , do not usually appear in professional eyes to have much in common with the majority of bewildered , vulnerable people who seek medical help .
14 Many nurses , for example , give injections , supervise medication , discuss problems and act as counsellors , but they do not usually negotiate welfare benefits , arrange outings , arrange for the gas board to read the meter , go shopping with a client , and so on .
15 At Faringdon 's , the singers stood on chairs but I do not usually do this if I sing the song with children .
16 This is not the place to enter into a detailed discussion of different electoral systems and their advantages and disadvantages ; but it should be noted that those who oppose the general principle of proportional representation do not usually do so in terms of arguments about democracy and representation , but more often stress the need for strong and stable government .
17 He does not usually do so unless he or a section of the public which he represents has some special interest to protect , in enforcing that particular law , that is not shared by the public at large .
18 She wanted to open the windows in the bedrooms , which she did not usually do , and opened their bedroom door .
19 It is a composite of three separate bands and is false ( rather than natural ) colour because the three selected spectral bands do not usually represent reflection in the visible red , green and blue regions of the spectrum .
20 Sedation in the form of diazamuls will not usually relieve the pain until cortical activity is suppressed sufficiently to induce semi-consciousness , and it is unwise to demand a semi-conscious patient outside hospital .
21 A power to carry out improvements will not usually entitle a landlord to replace existing buildings with buildings in which the tenant can not carry on the business permitted under the lease ( Leathwoods Ltd v Total Oil ( Great Britain ) Ltd [ 1985 ] 2 EGLR 237 ) .
22 Not only do we not usually think of Snell 's law when we try to net a fish or tickle a trout , but we could not use it to help us do so even if we did .
23 Prosecutors will not usually open a case unless they see a medical report exempting the alleged victim from work for at least five days .
24 Specimens do not usually exceed 2½ cm in length .
25 Heights do not usually exceed 12 metres but in a few instances heights of more than 20 metres have been involved .
26 The thaw does not usually exceed about 1 m on flat ground , but on south facing slopes it may penetrate to 1.5 m ( Chernov , 1985 ) .
27 If most experiences were nonveridical — or , to put it another way , if seeing did not usually justify believing — we probably would not survive for long .
28 If this is so , these varieties must incorporate within themselves sets of recurrent and distinctive norms , through which they can be characterized , but which do not usually coincide with the norms of the standard language .
29 Human beings do not usually shoulder responsibility by choice .
30 It is also crucial that vulnerable young girls understand clearly that having a child at sixteen does not usually result in getting a passport to new-found freedom .
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