Example sentences of "[adv] seems [det] " in BNC.

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1 Not that they did n't work ; it just seems that teaching machines have no charisma or charm .
2 Now that 's probably not really true — it just seems that way to him !
3 ‘ It just seems such a senseless waste .
4 Robert Cray always seems such a thinking guitarist .
5 What is even more amazing is the fact that because Frank always seems such an incredibly nice man , everyone , including his TV bosses , seem to want to ignore it as well .
6 What still seems most important to me , after seven years , is still the callers and the way that we do or do n't service their needs .
7 Notwithstanding this promise , the use of road pricing to change travel habits still seems some way off .
8 It also seems that unemployment , the chief cause of poverty during the inter-war period , resulted in a different outlook from that induced by pre-World War I poverty , which was caused primarily by low wages .
9 Any decision on taxation has to be taken by the member states unanimously and there now seems little hope that the Commission can deflect them from the course they set out upon yesterday .
10 But while there now seems little doubt that the drawing is by Leonardo , the question remains as to whether the theft had royal approval .
11 It now seems that tubercle bacilli cause human disease because of their ability to induce necrotic tissue reactions , analogous to the Koch phenomenon in the guinea pig , rather than protective reactions .
12 With the continued planned decline of the Canberra force — 100 Squadron are already re-equipping with Hawks — it now seems most unlikely that the OCU will reform .
13 Yet they also point to the conflict between feminism inside art history , which often seems little more than a maker of changing the gender of the artist as hero , and feminism as a more complex , multi-focused , or interdisciplinary project which utterly transforms the objects art history usually studies by refusing to treat them as simply ‘ works of art ’ created by ‘ artists ’ .
14 For some , the spur to going abroad seems more of a push from frustration at bureaucratic regulations at home than a pull from market opportunity .
15 It therefore seems that sex differences in health status are characteristic of the whole of the lifecourse .
16 It therefore seems most appropriate to treat them as cases of underlexicalisation , together with terms like " log " or " picture " discussed above .
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