Example sentences of "[adv] rely on " in BNC.

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1 The Duchess has even taken up sketching to feel more at one with the subject of her new book ( Victoria apparently relied on her own sketches rather than paparazzi snaps or pictures in Hello ! as mementoes of overseas trips ) and admits that she , like the late Queen , is a ‘ tireless traveller ’ .
2 When you have read a case in the reports or in a case book , do your best to convey this fact by referring to some apposite passage in the judgment or some other relevant detail of the report which will indicate that you have not merely relied on a textbook .
3 Switzerland has long relied on Italian and Spanish workers .
4 Lloyd 's has hitherto relied on the promises of rich men and women to meet exceptional insurance losses from their personal resources ; in recompense for this personal risk , they were often handsomely rewarded .
5 The fact , much relied on in some more recent cases in the Ormandy line , that service by mail is not allowed in domestic Japanese cases can not be relevant ; Japan could have objected to Article 10(a) but chose not to do so .
6 Willis is at pains to point out , however , that this breaking of rules not only relies on having the rules there to break but ensures that ‘ the lads ’ condemn themselves to the worst jobs once they have left school .
7 It is important that the rider does not collapse in the forward swing and so rely on his horse 's beck for support .
8 One response is to turn away and say that research is difficult and irrelevant and so rely on practical experience and rules of thumb .
9 To make a hole in masonry or concrete you do not need to exert anything like the pressure you do with a conventional percussion/ratchet hammer drill which basically relies on drill rotation to wear away the material .
10 Constantly rely on Leeds rejects — Jimmy Greenhoff , McQueen , Jordan , Irwin , and now Cantona .
11 First , all the evidence that is available shows that the expansion of the social services did not so much rely on the workers made redundant from the industrial sector but rather it drew on new sources of labour — mainly women .
12 Surgery — much relies on d-turbocurarine , a muscle relaxant made from curare which comes from an Amazonian liana
13 Can not afford national advertising , so relies on verbal testimonials to expand business , so eager to please .
14 However , it is only open to those who already hold the overpriced asset and so relies on this group of investors trading sufficient assets to move the relative prices of the shares in the index and index futures back into line .
15 It is run by a charitable trust and so relies on grants and donations for its survival .
16 ( I obviously rely on her very much for this . )
17 ‘ must be kept within narrow limits if it is not to shake the confidence of those who habitually and rightly rely on signatures when there is no obvious reason to doubt their validity .
18 This chapter has argued that just as the study of style can not entirely rely on quantitative data , neither can it ultimately do without them .
19 I accept the offer of the hon. Member for Aberdeen , North ( Mr. Hughes ) as given in good faith , but there are 646 hon. Members — I exclude you , Madam Deputy Speaker , and your colleagues for this purpose — and we can not necessarily rely on them all to show such restraint and singlemindedness as the hon. Gentleman .
20 Since railways were built anywhere , they could not necessarily rely on a local labour-force , but developed a corps of nomadic labourers ( known in Britain as the ‘ navvies ’ ) , such as still characterises the great construction projects all over the world .
21 He can only rely on the doctor 's skill and good faith .
22 He said that councillors had no idea what was going on , and could only rely on the advice of the council 's officials .
23 They can only rely on evidence obtained independently of these proceedings .
24 She could only rely on that , his wearying before she did .
25 While you can only rely on issues raised in the statements that you exchange , and you must not mislead the court or the other side , you are not under an obligation to give your opponent notice of any weak points in your case .
26 The company was bound by the representation and could only rely on the exclusion clause to exclude liability for damage to beads and sequins .
27 However , in other cases the courts have held that where a clause requiring best endeavours appears with an exclusion or force majeure clause , it qualifies the latter , so that the contractor can only rely on the exclusion or force majeure clause if it can establish that it used best endeavours ( see Yates and Hawkins , Standard Business Contracts : Exclusions and Related Devices , p165 ) .
28 We can only rely on each other , and we may as well get one thing straight here and now , Dr Blake .
29 We trotted calmly into it , hopped over it — and I can only rely on Karen and John 's description of what happened .
30 When students fail to make explicit the relevance of a piece of information , they are usually seen as not understanding or merely relying on memory .
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