Example sentences of "[adv] cost him " in BNC.

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1 Only cost him a couple of quid . ’
2 Phil 's just landed on it , it 's only cost him fifty quid !
3 And it was , it was really cheap , I mean , it was a sort of a rose and I think the whole box only cost him , one pound fifty , or something , you could probably run your car off it .
4 He says : ‘ When he was Chancellor Nigel Lawson made mistakes in his last Budget which eventually cost him the job .
5 Now , for more important brokers , what tends to happen is , er the Direct Marketing Manager , my boss will go out and meet these brokers , and er , effectively cost him the earth , erm .
6 He did that because they had not only annoying his neighbours , sorry , their neighbours , because he had once been one of our neighbours , but also they had damaged his house , and they had already cost him probably about two hundred pounds in repair bills until the house itself , broken doors , window erm the wall , and bit of the roof and so on , and there was every reason to believe that this would just carry on .
7 The answer is probably to run him on a left hand track where such antics would not cost him so much ground .
8 The terminal will not cost him anything .
9 IAN Wright 's name duly went into referee David Allison 's book — but it will not cost him his FA Cup semi-final place against Tottenham next month .
10 Specifically relevant to Eardwulf was adultery for , according to Alcuin , the king had dismissed his wife and publicly taken a concubine and Alcuin feared that this affront to God would soon cost him his throne.124
11 David 's decision to become female has already cost him £20,000 most saved from his wages as a master chef in hotels throughout the North-East and in Europe .
12 Pat Eddery , whose afternoon off cost him at least two winners in his battle with Roberts , left the hearing after an hour and a half .
13 An omission which might have and may still cost him serious casualties to personnel north of the Qattara depression .
14 One such affront , to the Archduke of Austria , later cost him his freedom and caused him to suffer a long imprisonment from which he was only freed at huge expense — much of which was raised by his neglected kingdom of England .
15 The attack was motivated by Motoshima 's observation that the late Emperor Showa ( in life known as Hirohito ) bore some responsibility for the Pacific war , a comment which also cost him the support of the LDP [ see p. 37186 ] .
16 A bad accident at Mosport nearly cost him his life but he came back and on his return to England joined the new Honda team .
17 His contempt for ropes and nailed boots nearly cost him his life mountaineering on several occasions .
18 Nursing the wounds that nearly cost him his life .
19 THE BBC foreign correspondent Martin Bell was last night named journalist of the year by the Royal Television Society for the war coverage which nearly cost him his life .
20 It ended up costing him a diamond engagement ring . ’
21 Probably cost him twice the amount !
22 If he suffers the same fate as Clark , it could well cost him a place in the squad for the most vital game in Newcastle 's 100-year history .
23 Yeah , but it does n't cost him anything !
24 Does n't cost him postage or anything that !
25 ALLAN LAMB 'S sensational ‘ Daily Mirror ’ revelations about Pakistan ball doctoring will today cost him his place as an England cricketer .
26 It was over , he was unhurt , and it had n't cost him a penny apart from the few pence in his pocket — and as the kidnapping was n't what was eating his heart out he knew he could n't pretend it was .
27 Instead , it seemed that it was the Australian 's almost suicidal desire to attack the course which almost cost him the title .
28 The world No 1 blames the media for the pressure which almost cost him the Open Championship at Muirfield — and also blitzed the Americans for their win-at-all-costs attitude to the Ryder Cup .
29 Warhurst was allowed home from hospital yesterday after the clash with Spora 's keeper that knocked him out and almost cost him his life .
30 In The Hidden Files , his fascinating contemplation of his life and his work , he confesses that writing Suarez almost cost him his sanity , and in trying to analyse what the black novel means to him he returns to it again and again , like a child rubbing a particularly vicious boil .
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