Example sentences of "[adv] not until " in BNC.

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1 Campbell concluded that we may not see the effect of economic recovery for at least a year — perhaps not until 1993 .
2 When somebody decides to redo the rooms and wants all the screens they 'll find out but probably not until then . ’
3 But probably not until this evening .
4 So obviously I kept drinking the water and the next day , on the Sunday , the pain was so bad we called the doctor again and he found out I was in labour and he sent me to the hospital and they found out not until the Thursday that it was actually the cryptosporidium that had caused it .
5 In the final stages of decomposition this once-living ( organic ) matter , the third component , becomes jelly-like and is then , and correctly not until then , called ‘ humus ’ .
6 Whereas in Britain ( and Sweden ) , the state controlled the Church , feudalism had ended well before it generally disappeared elsewhere in Europe , and manhood suffrage had been extended to large sections of the population — unlike most continental countries where it was attained only at a later date , sometimes not until the early part of the present century .
7 The magic 300 , which in the event proved a cannily accurate figure , was achieved briefly in 1912 and again in 1938 but then not until the swinging sixties , a time coincident with the Club 's finances stabilising .
8 I will be in the office tomorrow ( Wednesday 21st ) but then not until Monday 26th April .
9 At least not until the spring .
10 Changes in the aid given to poor petitioners in 1914 , together with the effects of World War I , produced an increase in the divorce rate after 1918 , but it was not until 1946 that legal aid became freely available and therefore not until 1951 that divorce petitions began to come from a cross section of the population .
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