Example sentences of "[adv] [been] shown " in BNC.

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1 Accounts by the first space-travelling visitors to the planet say that they found even the rocks and plants coming after them , but that has since been shown to have been normal travelogue exaggeration .
2 Enhancement of gastrointestinal synthesis of leukotrienes by NSAIDs in humans has not hitherto been shown and experimental evidence is conflicting ; indomethacin has been reported to enhance synthesis of LTB 4 , have no effect on synthesis of LTB 4 , and hinhibit synthesis of LTC 4 , albeit to a lesser extent than its effects on prostaglandins in the rat stomach .
3 It still maintains with blithe equanimity its opinion that active smoking , let alone passive smoking , does not cause disease — it has only been shown to have a ‘ statistical association , ’ much in the same way that sexual intercourse might be denied to ‘ cause ’ pregnancy .
4 But this bridging paper had apparently been shown to , and agreed with , the Israeli negotiators before it was shown to the Palestinians .
5 She reasoned that the law and the police had long been shown to have little or no educative or preventive power , and that the only way forward was a changed moral outlook and a gradual reorganization of economic and political conditions .
6 Dynamic equilibrium , climatic geomorphology and process studies have all been shown to have limited application to geomorphology wherever geomorphic history is measured in hundreds of millions of years .
7 For example , enhanced synthesis of protaglandins , thromboxane A 2 and prostacyclin and leukotriene B4 have all been shown in chronic inflammatory bowel diseases .
8 Heparan sulphate proteoglycan , laminin , and collagen have all been shown to be linked across cell membranes to cytoskeletal elements , and cytoskeletal proteins have been demonstrated to be condensed at cell-cell and cell-matrix interfaces .
9 It had been a very different story with the earlier sell-off of the hotels where the managers ' interest had not been shown proper respect .
10 Totals for the whole county in this period have not been shown to exceed 200–300-birds , although 200 were recorded in Chichester Harbour alone in 1953 .
11 Happily , apart from patients with high-grade obstruction within the alimentary tract , or with coeliac disease , dietary fibre in its natural state in food has not been shown to cause or exacerbate any human disease in the Western population .
12 They had not been shown a repeat of the film — they had merely watched it in their minds .
13 It had not been shown that the Special Commissioner had misdirected himself or that he had erred in law or that he had arrived at a wholly insupportable conclusion .
14 If the test has not been shown to be reliable in empirical studies , then there is no guarantee that any information obtained by using the test will provide an accurate reflection of any child 's ability .
15 However , some fluids such as saliva , sweat , tears and urine have not been shown to be infectious .
16 Axons , however , have not been shown to secrete protein signalling molecules , whereas type-1 astrocytes , a major class of glial cells in the optic nerve , have ; moreover , type-1 astrocytes make the AA form of PDGF both in vivo and in vitro .
17 It was sad , nevertheless , that six months of planning had not been shown off to better effect .
18 Personality has not been shown by industrial psychologists to be a very helpful predictor of performance .
19 However , the fact that these works had not been shown to any Russian museum curators caused considerable trouble for the organisers .
20 This has not been shown yet , but it can be shown by running a complete analogue of the argument .
21 As the plaintiff had not been shown to be guilty of contributory negligence , he was entitled to recover damages , on the grounds of negligence .
22 The grounds of appeal were , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the justices had exercised their discretion to award costs on the wrong principles as it had not been shown that the local authority had acted in bad faith or unreasonable in the performance of its statutory duties or had acted unreasonably in the conduct of the proceedings before the court ; ( 2 ) there were no circumstances which justified the making of the costs order ; ( 3 ) the justice should have found that there were good reasons for the local authority to be concerned about the father 's ability to care for the children , the local authority was not bound to adopt the view of the guardian ad litem and the local authority had communicated the decision not to oppose the father 's application within a reasonable time on receiving the report of the guardian ad litem ; ( 4 ) the justices had been wrong to assume that the change in the view of the local authority amounted to an admission that the views of the local authority had been wrong all the time .
23 The appeal was decided on the comparatively short point that although undue influence had been exercised by the husband upon the wife , it had not been shown that the transactions were to the manifest disadvantage of the wife , in which circumstances the court held that the wife could not be relieved from the effect of the charges on her home .
24 where potential deferred tax on a revalued asset has not been shown because the revaluation does not constitute a timing difference , the fact that it is not a timing difference and that tax has therefore not been provided should be shown .
25 The phonetic details have in fact been simplified in table 6.2 ; for example , since diphthongized tokens have not been shown separately , realizations such as [ m ? ? n ] ‘ man ’ appear in the [ ? ] column ( see further 6.5 ) .
26 It had been made in 1942 but had not been shown until the Nazis had been banished from the country .
27 Since these data are identical to those observed for hTFIIA previously ( 12 , 23 ) , they have not been shown here .
28 The letter had not been shown to the newspaper men .
29 In the first incident , it still has not been shown that the infection derived from inside the hospital .
30 Intravenous infusion of ethanol has not been shown to release measurable amounts of somatostatin but this does not exclude the possibility that somatostatin may mediate the inhibitory effect on the parietal cells .
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