Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] to say " in BNC.

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1 Certainly to explain the Incarnation in a quarter of an hour over the air is a tall order , but Lewis could surely have done better than to say , ‘ If you want to get the hang of it , think how you would like to become a slug or a crab . ’
2 She was feeling a great deal better about everything , but knew better than to say so .
3 In the middle of the nineteenth century Faraday ( 1791–1867 ) , one of the wisest of men , could do no better than to say that the strength of solids was due to the cohesion between their fine particles and that the subject was a very interesting one .
4 Harvard dealers who had left knew better than to say where to , since the walk out of its top dealers to London & Norwich Investment Services Ltd in May 1987 .
5 There is another duty also to be considered : and that is the duty which Lord Atkin put in this wise : ‘ You must not injure your neighbour : ’ which I would expand so as to say that there is a duty on every man not to injure his neighbour by his want of reasonable care .
6 It is easier to say whether a man has paid the money or not than to say whether he has complied with other orders ; and if he fails to pay , it is easy to get the money by selling his goods , if he has any .
7 I will not go further than to say ’ around 40 ’ , but we certainly intend to implement the programme that we set out in ’ Options for Change ’ .
8 One tabloid , threatened since with a writ , went as far as to say that he would not be able to find such a sum .
9 But he never went so far as to say that his intention was to qualify for legal aid , the court said .
10 In fact , I would go as far as to say he 's a slob .
11 Because of his Cartesianism , Malebranche could not go so far as to say that material objects were not really extended or in motion , but Pierre Bayle had argued that such restraint was unjustifiable .
12 Peter Robinson went so far as to say that until late 1974 ‘ there was no party ’ .
13 I would wager that he goes so far as to say that I broke down in his room , stuttering out the words of my so-called confession between chokes and tears , unable to speak properly .
14 He even went so far as to say he missed her and Pilade , and would be glad to be home .
15 Indeed , he went so far as to say that he was almost dreading stepping on to the golf course , full of grim forebodings on the practice ground and no better on the practice green .
16 Even now , I would not go so far as to say it is a bad staff plan ; after all , it enables a staff of four to cover an unexpected amount of ground .
17 I am not sure she could actually have gone so far as to say things like : ‘ these errors may be trivial in themselves , but you must yourself realize their larger significance ’ .
18 Indeed , I would go so far as to say that a doctor who continued treatment past this point would be behaving at least unethically , if not unlawfully .
19 Some of the delayed motorists were distinctly lacking in respect , one going as far as to say that if he were going to get buried he 'd have a bit more consideration for other road users .
20 Dhanraj began by stating unequivocally that she saw film-making as a tool for socio-political challenge ( she would not go so far as to say change ) and that documentary was best suited to this purpose .
21 Donald Gordon , when president of the Canadian National Railway , went so far as to say ‘ What Robert Burns is to Scotland , Edna Jacques is to Canada ’ .
22 Maslow went so far as to say that ill people who treat their fellow men with kindness are forces for mental health and those who disdain or belittle other men are forces for mental illness .
23 The list is endless and I would go as far as to say virtually every ‘ Gold Seal ’ is worth its weight in gold .
24 We go so far as to say that in choice of partner it is a wise unconscious that falls in love with and marries its own unrecognized problem and then in marriage recreates the problematic situation .
25 Tape Worm : I 'm normally very polite and hardly swear , but I 'd go so far as to say that Tape Worm is one ugly ( Censored ! — Ed ) .
26 In fact , I would go so far as to say that there is almost a feeling of relief here that Clause 28 is associated with someone so widely discredited .
27 He even went so far as to say that he would n't do the picture without her .
28 Expansion and contraction of awareness may be interdependent , so that ‘ Be aware ’ would not , for example , pronounce waking good but sleeping bad ; when exhaustion is blurring awareness one can go so far as to say ‘ You ought to go to sleep ’ , although only for the sake of waking with refreshed awareness tomorrow .
29 The figure was well below City estimates and one analyst went as far as to say that the detailed announcement ‘ deserves to set the standards for all ’ .
30 But , as Mr Nearn points out , it is a driver 's car , and motoring journalists have heaped it with praise for many years , one even going so far as to say that your smile ‘ will need surgically removing ’ after driving one .
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