Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] form " in BNC.

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1 He knew and practised all the rules of art , and from a composition of Raphael , Carracci , and Guido , made up a style , of which the only fault was , that it has no manifest defects and no striking beauties ; and that the principles of his composition are never blended together , so as to form one uniform body original in its kind , or excellent in any view .
2 ‘ … the main idea is that social phenomena are seen as existing in relation to each other , and continually developing in and through such relations so as to form at various phases contradictory forces that generate qualitatively new formations .
3 But given that they can have their position specified , and can interpret this position so as to form the pattern , then this provides a very powerful means of generating patterns .
4 We hope that you will build upon these so as to form a continuing association with your University .
5 Then great standing stones brought to mark the way at intervals , and on a bank leading up to a mountain ridge or down to a ford the track cut deep so as to form a guiding notch on the skyline as you come up .
6 The major national breweries themselves began to either acquire or be acquired by non-brewing companies so as to form larger conglomerates such as Allied-Lyons ( formed when Allied Breweries took over the catering group J. Lyons in 1978 ) , Grand Metropolitan ( formed when Grand Met Hotels took over Truman Hanbury and Buxton in 1971 and Watney Mann in 1972 ) and Imperial ( formed when Imperial Tobacco acquired Courage Breweries in 1972 ) .
7 The edges of adjacent planks were not fastened together mechanically but stood open so as to form a V-shaped groove .
8 If you are in doubt , keeping the puppy on your left side , and facing forwards , loop one end of the chain through the other , so as to form a circle .
9 It is expected that a draft of the proposed Railway Clearing House submission will have been completed prior to the meeting so as to form a basis for discussion .
10 He describes his own ( very Darwinian ! ) experiment in which he allowed the stolons of Saxifraga sarmentosa ( a classic ‘ guerrilla ’ growth form ) to encounter an artificial vegetation that he had constructed : ‘ Many long pins were next driven rather close together into the sand , so as to form a crowd in front of … two thin lateral branches ; but these easily wound their way through the crowd .
11 It therefore becomes imperative that the scriptures be interpreted so as to form a consistent whole .
12 The lateral sclerites usually comprise two plates on either side , closely hinged together so as to form a fulcrum between the head and prothorax .
13 Later , as the sac-like evagination develops , the bases of the epithelial cells become drawn out into long processes , so imparting a spongy texture to the tissues of the wing-pad , and the basement membranes of the lower and upper epithelia become apposed for most of their area so as to form the so-called middle membrane ( Fig. 30 ) .
14 Immediately underneath the stone lay a cist containing several rude cinerary urns , and alongside of it were found a gold fibula and an armilla of a peculiar type made from a broad band of gold beaten out so as to form a convex centre , on each side of which was a fluted ornamental border , and a raised rim returned at the edge . "
15 Narrowly dyadic relationships of this kind show no tendency to proliferate outwards so as to form a wider network , and , since they are usually short-lived , anthropologists have not often given them much attention .
16 In all cases , however , the broken ends of the DNA on either side of the initial cut are apparently sealed so as to form hairpins , as Martin Gellert ( NIH ) showed , before they are nicked to form the final joint ( a process reminiscent of the reaction mechanism employed by topisomerases ) .
17 They considered that a building or product can not be regarded as a complex structure if it has been wholly constructed or manufactured by one person , so as to form a single indivisible unit .
18 The best argument for the statue being a fixture was its careful siting in the West Lawn so as to form an integral part of the architectural design of the west elevation of the house .
19 A statement forms part of the res gestae of a case if it is made contemporaneously with or shortly after any act or occurrence in issue in the proceedings so as to form part of the same transaction .
20 Mr Mr Allenby , I I know you 've made a submission but can we just clarify what provision is being made in Harrogate District which can be seen quite rightly as forming pa a contribution towards the Greater York ?
21 At first they seemed so close together as to form an impassable barrier , but as they drew nearer it became clear that they were several yards apart .
22 At the same time , the principle of excluding the Jews from German society was itself widely and increasingly popular , and Hitler 's hatred of the Jews — baleful in its threats but linked to the condoning of lawful , ‘ rational ’ action , not the unpopular crude violence and brutality of the Party 's ‘ gutter ’ elements — was certainly an acceptable component of his popular image , even if it was an element ‘ taken on board ’ rather than forming a centrally motivating factor for most Germans .
23 Pressure from Bruce Millan , EC regional commissioner , has resulted in the Treasury reluctantly accepting that the funds provided by Brussels are additional to government spending rather than part of it and should be steered to specific projects rather than forming part of the spending pool .
24 Yet rather than forming a point between structure and agency , perhaps the role of community groups could be better represented in terms of a continuum between civil society and the state .
25 From the early 1920s Chiang devoted much of his attention to suppressing his communist rivals rather than forming a united front with them to resist the Japanese , but they established a strong base in the northwest following the Long March of 1934 .
26 But it also shows the alternative way , with independent countries trading and co-operating , rather than forming a European super-state .
27 Firstly , gas is lighter than air and leakages dissipate in the atmosphere rather than forming a local hazard .
28 It is true that the cases of indirect wording and external interpretation considered earlier are cases in which the validity of a disposition rests on intention rather than form .
29 It is not a vicious animal compared to most snakes and will avoid contact with humans rather than form a confrontation ; although it is very lively and alert .
30 It may be generally true that the natural language use which constitutes the goal of learning is realized by a focus on meaning rather than form , and is a matter of top-down rather than bottom-up processing , but the process of arriving at that goal , the development of the authenticating ability , calls for an effective internalization of form and capability of analysis which will allow for their use across a wide and unpredictable range of different contexts .
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