Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] said " in BNC.

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1 But seriously , why do you suppose there has been so little said about Sunday trading in the book trade ? could it be because we have failed to make a ‘ cold , calculating examination of the long term balance of financial advantage ’ ?
2 Then she told herself he had only got the better of her because she was , as he had so rightly said , suffering from shock and exhaustion .
3 Oh , yes , I 've only just said it .
4 The wedding vows are so easily said : ‘ For better , for worse ; for richer , for poorer ; in sickness and in health . ’
5 First I do n't want to repeat what has been so eloquently said about the need for putting the elected local government representatives in a clear majority , but it certainly seems to me that unless is , this is done the whole concept of the triple partnership and all the fine words about local accountability are seriously at risk .
6 I have so far said little about variation , the third property required for evolution along with multiplication and heredity .
7 We have so far said little about the way the Stress Syndrome spills over into teachers ' personal relationships out of school .
8 She nodded and then , as steadily as she had accepted everything he had so far said , ‘ Colonel Moore will want to write his letters , of course .
9 She had n't imagined that this woman could be at all assertive , but she was being exactly that now , and Alain had so far said nothing at all .
10 To some extent , all that we have so far said about multimedia development is really a description of multimedia databases .
11 For one thing he was an impatient sort of eagle , inclined to get angry and feel insulted at the smallest thing ; for another — and this took Creggan a while to realize — he was preoccupied with thinking about what had happened to Minch , not daring to hope that what Creggan had so boldly said about her coming back was true .
12 If , as is so often said , one of the most important parts of life is getting on with people , our years at Nottingham University have certainly prepared us well !
13 They stared at one another , and as her mama had so often said , and thought again as she watched them , they were so alike in every way except their sex that they might have been two sides of the same coin .
14 Cautioning may have fallen into disrepute but to abandon it will mean a return to the punitive policies that this government had only recently said had failed .
15 Although the courts have not expressly said so , it may be more difficult to do anything for the casus omissus .
16 He had not written anything he had not already said to me at different times ’ . ’
17 She had not exactly said ‘ wet ’ and ‘ weedy ’ , but ‘ quiet ’ and ‘ sympathetic ’ , and Hoomey supposed that showed her tact , because he thought that was what she meant .
18 The frequent remark that ‘ it was all so much simpler under communism ’ is not always said with total irony .
19 And that is why , as it seems to me , fairness dictates that the instructions upon which he is directed to act should be expressed in language which is unambiguous and capable of being readily understood without reference to speculation , from material not obvious or readily available to the reader , about what Parliament intended to say but has not clearly said .
20 The inner part of the boundary layer is thus sometimes said to be in ‘ local equilibrium ’ , meaning that there is a local balance between the process supplying energy to the turbulence and that removing it .
21 This would not have been so impressive if he had not previously said — for I was also with him at Murphy Radio before the war — ‘ Some people have to work , but some can run barefoot across the grass ! ’
22 Then , in a postscript , as if feeling that his measured words had not yet said enough , he added with a sudden note of desperation : ‘ May God preserve us & make us continue to be joy & comfort & wisdom & virtue to each other , my dear , dear , Poole ! ’
23 Erm , one other thing that I want to make about erm , the victims , erm , I am very much er , involved with erm , victim support Wiltshire , and one of the problems with victim support Wiltshire is their work is increasing all the time because the crime rate goes up , and every time there is more crime there is more victims , but the , the Government has not yet said that they will put the money up that they erm , that they er , the grant up that they give to the victim support .
24 He had not yet said he loved her , but that did n't mean he never would .
25 Some things are taken as read and they 're not actually said .
26 In [ 17 ] the author writes that he had been saying that Gardner looked very square : But of course Carver had not actually said that Gardner looked very square , at least not in the Gricean ( Grice 1981 ) sense of the word .
27 I 've not actually said anything about the car .
28 It clearly might apply to the poet 's relationship , but it is not specifically said to .
29 She looked , in fact , blowzy but good-humoured , and of an age which is usually politely said to be around thirty-five .
30 He 'd once mockingly said that their relationship had been written in the stars ; if it had been then she was going to have to find some way to unwrite it , fast !
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