Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] death " in BNC.

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1 If ‘ suicide ’ is defined as the doing of a positive act with the intention of ending life , then there would be no question of suicide in the case of patients who refuse treatment , but otherwise do no positive act , merely allowing death to occur .
2 SO what are the odds on Anne and Tim staying together 'til death do them part , when all the other Royals have failed ?
3 No one was henceforth to suffer death or mutilation for taking the king 's deer : the penalties were to be limited to amercement , imprisonment or exile .
4 Insurance does not , of course , only cover death .
5 One difficulty , however , is that this offence covers a wide range of situations from killings just short of murder to carelessly causing death .
6 Thus a miner who slipped from the worn and greasy rungs was liable to fall a long way and a dropped tool could clatter its way down to cause death or injury to some fellow below .
7 Police sources said the shooting had the hallmarks of a ‘ professional execution ’ : a light handgun was used that would only ensure death if used at point-blank range .
8 His wife taught the remaining pupils , three seventeen-year-olds , and , as if she had only postponed death until her duties were done , she died of a heart attack at the end of July , the day after the last girls left .
9 Male model Hay , 22 , only escaped death by moving his head at the critical moment .
10 Under the Act , a patient who 's terminally ill and sustained by mechanical means may sign a directive authorizing the doctor to discontinue treatment and so allow death to take its course .
11 Unlike many other coral types , mechanical damage does not necessarily mean death for leather corals .
12 Nor would it have been true , for I greatly feared death , suspecting myself to be damned .
13 2.6 At common law the relatives had no cause of action when they suffered loss in consequence of a tortiously inflicted death .
14 His fit of coughing echoed across the landscape , an early morning salute , as he often put it in his ‘ Jottings ’ , to an old man still courageous enough to face death at the hands of a packet of filter-tips .
15 A limited postmorten examination performed elsewhere found death due to a myocardial infarct .
16 They state that when terminally-ill patients who are still able to make decisions , request a doctor 's help to die , such requests for active termination of life by a medical act , which directly and intentionally causes death , may be morally justifiable and should be given serious consideration .
17 Although it does not survive death , it is closely associated in life with a category of immortal spirits , the lai , which act as spirit familiars to mediums .
18 Shall we soon abolish death and refer to someone dead as having a life problem ?
19 Yet , recognition of that extension might at the same time open up the possibility that vulnerable people who do not desire death , despite their suffering , might be killed by others for reasons of their own : this would subvert the right to self-determination , and is an argument against a mercy-killing defence or offence .
20 The point is rather that , even though knowingly taking risks with other people 's lives is usually unjustifiable , taking a slight risk is less serious than intentionally causing death .
21 A proportion of hypoxaemic children may be so physiologically compromised late in the course of illness that treatment with oxygen will not prevent death .
22 Given the right crime to answer for , Vologsky might well not fear death itself , but he would certainly fear to continue living .
23 He expands upon this : ‘ It does not follow from their alleged unawareness of the possibility of death that they do not fear death , and flee it as the greatest of evils ’ ( 1977 : 40 ) .
24 We did not fear death at all .
25 I am not upset by people dying because having been there I do not fear death .
26 In acknowledgement of British decency , it must be said that Gandhi possessed the supreme advantage in his campaigns of knowing that , so long as he confined his activities to non-violent protest , he was not risking death at the hands of the authorities .
27 As St Augustine maintained , man 's original state knew neither evil nor death : God did not create death , which was consequently contrary to the ‘ Laws of Nature ’ .
28 I get the impression that the poet did not take death seriously , did not quite believe in it .
29 Forbidden suicide by his religion , he could not induce death by , for instance , agitating his pierced hands and feet until loss of blood carried him away .
30 One does not invite death .
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