Example sentences of "[adv] [noun] approach " in BNC.

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1 DES Circular 8/86 referred to the ‘ important safeguards ’ offered by these sections against what the side note to section 44 refers to as ‘ political indoctrination ’ — indicating a somewhat alarmist approach overall .
2 Instead , associative strength becomes attached to the object and can , in the present case , only trigger approach or avoidance of the landmarks themselves ( the phenomenon of autoshaping ) .
3 Sociologists have either to accept a thoroughly verificationist approach to both Freud and to many of the founders of sociology , or to be inconsistent and accept a judgement made by psychologists about Freud which is based on logical and philosophical assumptions which , if applied to Max Weber or Èmile Durkheim or Marx , would lead to these thinkers being likewise dismissed as unscientific .
4 His penal thinking was an application of his general philosophy that law and government should pursue ‘ the greatest happiness of the greatest number ’ , which logically led him to espouse a purely reductivist approach to punishment , with no place for retributivism of any description .
5 Because facing such questions has brought the work on long-term memory in Aplysia into the same biochemical arena as my own in the chick , I want to postpone considering them for the present and instead look at some of the problems which , in its singlemindedly reductionist approach , Aplysian orthodoxy — at least the orthodoxy of the mid-1980s , as I suspect that the position is now becoming much more flexible — has ignored .
6 Government has not only turned its attention to the professions as economic entities , but in the 1980s adopted an increasingly dirigiste approach to higher education .
7 When it , and the Government can produce fifty pieces of legislation affecting local government since nineteen seventy nine , I have n't been here since nineteen seventy nine thankfully , so I have to analyze everything , but they always landed our the ma the major ones and , so for example erm , it was the Local government Unit that produced the initial response of the Poll Tax , what strategy the Council should adopt er , the Council wo n't distance approach , we wanted to make it clear that the Poll Tax was a Government erm , it was a Government initiative and it was being forcedly on us and that was the way , did that effect it , that was a guided and then there was the nineteen eight nine local Government Housing Act , which I 'm sure many of you .
8 By the late 1870s , however , they had developed a truly Jacobin approach .
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