Example sentences of "[verb] ourselves with " in BNC.

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1 As adults , however , many of us cripple ourselves with fears of making mistakes , of making a wrong decision , of failing , of feeling embarrassed , of repeating the past .
2 Also a good pointer where we 've been able to compare ourselves with civil engineering scaled fees , which was on the Overtown Bank Slip which was a job which went completely right , perfect no problems .
3 In 2 Corinthians 10:12 he says , ‘ We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves .
4 In the first instance we go to work in order to eat and drink and provide ourselves with shelter .
5 So we spent the night at a cheap bed and breakfast nearby , and fortified ourselves with a breakfast of sausages , bacon and eggs .
6 But we should need to find a crock of gold , my dear , to provide ourselves with all that . ’
7 If we supply ourselves with too much of this energy we store the surplus as fat .
8 We do n't want to find ourselves with any comic exposure unless all the parameters have been examined in-depth . ’
9 If there is to be no common musical material we are going to find ourselves with something which , however distinguished , is not distinguishable , and which is therefore of questionable value .
10 If we content ourselves with anything less , we can only expect to doubt .
11 Therefore , we content ourselves with a degree of objectivity which represents an acceptable narrowing of the areas of difference between financial reports .
12 Chief Executive Neville Chamberlain said : ‘ We have concerned ourselves with environmental care for many years and are proud of our achievements so far .
13 This is most emphatically not the same as blaming ourselves or burdening ourselves with an unnecessary load of guilt .
14 Panic-stricken , she tried to pull her arm out of his , but her companion ignored her struggles , saying , ‘ Come on , ducks , no need to bovver ourselves with supper ; let's ‘ ave our bit of fun first , ’ and pulled her along into the alley where Dr Neil had found her .
15 Nor do we easily associate ourselves with violent behaviour .
16 Yet we consoled ourselves with what we took to be a furtive glint of triumph in Ranteallo 's eyes as he accepted our pig money , and swore to us that he would not burn the house down before we could make it back from filming the king 's burial in the death-cliffs .
17 Guilt can also lead us to put a brave face on everything while we overload ourselves with responsibilities and goals .
18 The naan bread was big ; we 'd both stuffed ourselves with it during the meal but it was still big .
19 After lunch , Bernice and I armed ourselves with black plastic dustbin liners and we made a concerted attack on Billy 's room .
20 That since we have realised the position of women in the printing trade is seriously threatened , we women have been trying to organise ourselves with a view to securing justice for ourselves and for the women who may in future desire to practise the business of compositors or monotypists .
21 During the day we lay up in the desert , camouflaging ourselves with pieces of hessian sacking against the R.A.F. patrols who were out looking for us from the air .
22 As we tried to calm ourselves with sweet coffee , a Swiss traveller appeared .
23 As a variation on the same theme , let us amuse ourselves with a science-fiction possibility .
24 We sat stuffing ourselves with smoked-salmon sandwiches , slurping Earl Grey , while she charmed and intimidated them with her stolen airs and purloined graces .
25 The fact that our partner is of the opposite sex automatically means we must familiarise ourselves with the general information on the basic differences .
26 This approach allows us to offer a coherent politics , allying ourselves with people 's aspirations while fulfilling our true purpose of advancing the wider and longer-term interests of the whole community .
27 When you decide to get married , fix yourself up with someone of the old school , not one of those feminist flibbertigibbets of the kind Jim and I have landed ourselves with — undomesticated , never there , eyes set on further career mountains to be climbed .
28 ‘ In the coming stage , we will not suffice ourselves with mere slogans but we will embark on objective and responsible dialogue . ’
29 In concerning ourselves with the needs of pupils , we may too long have ignored the need to give our teachers services and support and help them to feel adequate to cope with the demands that education in the modern world is making upon them .
30 So , after lunching at one of the excellent local inns , we contented ourselves with making a wide sweep South to the River Dove and back up to the Derwent , — stopping at Castleton which , with its show caves and fluorspar ( Blue John stone ) mines should n't be missed and at Eyam which was so badly ravaged by the pestilence of 1665/6 that it is still known as The Plague Village .
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