Example sentences of "[verb] considerable time " in BNC.

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1 Both policies , monetarists argue , involve considerable time lags , which can make them destabilizing .
2 Conversely the long winters allowed considerable time for off-farm work , particularly in the forests .
3 There is nothing a five-year-old likes better than being read to , although he may spend considerable time looking at books himself and may even pretend to read .
4 The CAB invests considerable time and energy in improving the standards of advice-giving for the seven million enquiries each year .
5 Effective personnel management requires considerable time and effort , and annual interviews ( appraisals ) are necessary to ensure a progressive environment in which partners and staff can develop and the business of the firm be discharged with increasing quality and efficiency .
6 The class spent considerable time examining these photographs , attempting to anticipate the kind of personalities they were to be working with .
7 It takes considerable time and ingenuity to find out who these informal players are , but once discerned , the model performs very well and can be relied upon to enrich , screen , and find sponsorship within the organization , for a good number of complex ideas .
8 In this project I have invested considerable time and not a little of my own money .
9 In this project I have invested considerable time and not a little of my own money .
10 Clearly , the regulated devote considerable time , effort , and money to lobbying and otherwise trying to influence the regulator .
11 But as they do need the financial background too , finding a suitable candidate to take on the finance director role , particularly of a large organisation , can be a problem and it 's not unknown for a company to invest considerable time and money in training someone specially for the job , though it is rare .
12 Besides sitting on the boards of prestigious companies ( Caterpillar , The New York Times Co , AT&T and Bristol-Myers ) he also contributes considerable time and energy to charitable organisations .
13 The Institute will be devoting considerable time and effort , in the coming months , to taking a leading role in the consultation process and preparing a coherent and comprehensive response to the important issues the APB has raised .
14 Michael has already spent considerable time in Barcelona , but despite those commitments the all important cross country course at Bramham Park is well on the way to completion thanks to the endeavours of George Podmore and his team .
15 ‘ We have spent considerable time , effort and money protecting and defending the Fender name and its trademarks , ’ adds the current Fender president Bill Schultz , ‘ not only for our benefit , but also for the benefit and protection of our dealers and thousands of consumers who purchase Fender products .
16 They have always spent considerable time visiting schools ; in the nineteenth century there were regular visits , including during the period of payment by results ( 1862–1898 ) when the outcome of an inspection , involving assessing the children 's performance , determined whether or not the school received funds .
17 Peter Evans , the first non-family chairman to be appointed to the liqueur company when he joined late last year , said yesterday that the company had spent considerable time evaluating its needs in the light of its decision to focus on its core business , the production of Drambuie Liqueur .
18 Because of his professed preference for isolation , it would take considerable time before Ewan was missed by other personnel on the base .
19 The appearance of such systems , often in advance of any Western equivalent , usually generates flurries of excitement , yet early versions tend to possess rudimentary capabilities , and effective variants may take considerable time to emerge as the component technologies are brought up to standard .
20 In practice , however , the elasticity of demand for imports and exports may not be of an appropriate value or else it may take considerable time before such automatic forces become effective .
21 In some cases , this can take considerable time .
22 As it can take considerable time to effect the transfer of overseas funds to the University account , you are strongly advised to make arrangements well in advance .
23 During those meetings it was emphasised by all participants that a great deal of work would need to be done in the translation of medical textbooks , and that this would take considerable time .
24 Not only can information which may take considerable time to locate but which needs to be as up-to-date as possible be handled by Prestel but the ability to communicate personal , one-off inquiries to the information providers is a great advantage .
25 She had always devoted considerable time to patient observation of her surroundings , her staff and humanity in general and , now , her assessment of women 's needs and desires precisely matched the throwback mood of the Seventies .
26 Very often it demands considerable time and careful exploration to help the patient decide precisely what his problems are .
27 It is worth spending considerable time in examining the causes of the 1450 rebellion , because they contrast markedly with those of the 1381 revolt .
28 A report by development services director Stephen Tapper says bus lanes produce considerable time savings by allowing public transport unrestricted access .
29 If you only feel comfortable writing out your verbal presentation then be prepared to devote considerable time to preparing to throw it away .
30 First , MPs had to be willing to devote considerable time and energy to the new committees .
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