Example sentences of "[verb] throw [prep] " in BNC.

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1 the horse and the rider he has thrown into the sea .
2 Whatever the British weather has thrown at them , flower growers up and down the country produce their best for the Chelsea Flower Show .
3 The British people have absorbed everything that the IRA has thrown at them , but it is no secret that they are increasingly war-weary and exasperated by the lack of political progress .
4 Dallas is dull by comparison , at last Scottish football has thrown off the mantle of miserable weather and abortive pies , the glamorous dynasty of soap-opera management had arrived .
5 AN elite corps of transatlantic guardians of the English language has thrown in the towel .
6 And all their propaganda goes unanswered because the Labour Party has thrown in the towel before the fight has even started .
7 Many companies offer mechanical fishing equipment but so far only one , a firm in Shizuoka called Sanmei , has thrown in computerisation as well .
8 The Government 's own Department of Development Aid has apparently been so devious that the judge investigating the billions of Rand evidently missing or misappropriated , which should have gone towards assisting the poorer ( black ) communities , has thrown in the towel when faced by the department 's shambolic accounting .
9 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd has thrown in the towel on its Unix fax unit Samsung Software America and dissolved the operation after about a year .
10 Sounds as if IBM Corp has thrown in the towel and acknowledged that it will never make it with a word processor of its own : it has become a member of Wordperfect Corp 's Customer Advantage Programme , a fancy name for a company-wide licence for IBM to distribute and use Wordperfect products throughout the company with ‘ significant savings ’ and simplified licence administration .
11 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd has thrown in the towel on its facsimile software for Unix unit Samsung Software America and dissolved the operation after about a year .
12 It has thrown in the sponge …
13 The talented Bell has been ear-marked for big things this season and has thrown in his lot initially with the Eaton Park side .
14 These hints had their final expression in an astonishing personal letter written by Knox to Mary on 26 October 1559 , claiming that ‘ if it be the office of a very friend to give true and faithful counsel to them whom he sees run to destruction for lack of the same , I could not be proven enemy to your Grace but rather a friend unfeigned ’ — even if moderation was never Knox 's strong suit and so , unable to keep up the quiet tone of the letter , he felt impelled to throw in a postscript : ‘ God move your heart yet in time to consider that ye fight not against man , but against the eternal God , and against his Son Jesus Christ , the only Prince of the kings of the earth . ’
15 There is an intense thirst and the patient wants to throw off the bedclothes .
16 Had he heard the accusations she 'd thrown at Doreen ?
17 For the first time , she saw he was holding the roses she 'd thrown from the window , and he handed them to her .
18 He was a fervent anti-communist who could comprehend and believe that people everywhere would choose to throw off the communist system if they ever had the chance .
19 Now she and her husband , the cook , have decided to throw in their two Michelin rosettes and relax .
20 So now , like Virgin founder Richard Branson before him , Sugar has decided to throw in the towel and buy his firm back .
21 On the other , if you bluff against an opponent who has a really good hand you may end up very much worse off than if you had decided to throw in your bad hand before you had raised the bet too far .
22 Noting that Buthelezi 's own organization 's membership was falling , and his anxiety about the growing popularity of the ANC , Maj. Botha warned that Buthelezi could " seriously consider throwing in his lot with the ANC with far-reaching implications for Natal and the RSA [ Republic of South Africa ] " .
23 There 's a lot to discuss here , and er I just wonder if you 'd like to throw in your two penn'orth before I talk to our diplomatic correspondent , David Spannier on this subject , after the seven o'clock news .
24 Well and also I 'd like to throw in my , my views of these people who advise young children on their careers .
25 This might be thought to throw into disarray our grounds for specifying what animals see , hear , and otherwise sense .
26 And Wilson here is , we might say , the future — the first sign that British society is going to throw off the shackles of racism and colonialism and produce something genuinely multicultural , like … er … him ! ’
27 You are good but soon I am going to throw into your back a whole phalanx of new ones .
28 He did not dwell on the hyena spotted in blood that Abraham was going to throw into hell on the Day of Resurrection , or on the necessity of chopping male infidels into small pieces .
29 It has been said , in the first place , that they are used to throw into relief the particular property in the noun phrase which is of interest to the speaker ; that is , that adjectives are used postnominally for the sake of emphasis .
30 Examples of an article ‘ intended ’ for use as an offensive weapon include a dart which the accused intends to throw in a football crowd or a pocket full of stones which the accused intends to throw at members of a rival demonstration .
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