Example sentences of "[verb] press for " in BNC.

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1 On the contrary , he has pressed for a centralised federation in which Serbia would presumably play a dominant role .
2 The Association has pressed for a clear-cut answer on this issue and has not received it .
3 We had resolved to press for a route which would take the march into the walled centre of the city and expected opposition from the moderate members of the CRA .
4 In Sabah the United Sabah Party ( Parti Bersatu Sabah — PBS ) won 14 of 20 federal seats , and was expected to press for a better return from the exploitation of Sabah 's natural resources .
5 It is time that members opposite stopped this petty vindictiveness and sought to join with both ourselves and the Liberals in seeking to press for real progress in recognising the specific requirement of people with disabilities .
6 There were , however , divisions within the Labour movement between those prepared to press for unemployment benefits and public works and those who argued that these were mere palliatives , and that shorter hours , higher pay and ultimately social ownership of industry should be the fundamental aims .
7 Mr Christopher said yesterday the United States would not act alone in the Bosnian crisis but would keep pressing for lifting the arms embargo .
8 It may interest them that within the last few months the European parliament has agreed to press for a bill of rights for the citizens of Europe and for a written constitution for Europe .
9 The group obtains film and photographic evidence of problem areas that is then used to press for changes in legislation .
10 Tanay was a leader of the Khalq faction , which had strong support within the armed forces and had tended to press for a military solution to the Afghan civil war .
11 I do n't want to press for an answer tonight
12 Planning issues would also be important and DEW planned to press for a green belt around Darlington .
13 Kenjayev resigned both as Chair of the Supreme Soviet and as Presidium member on April 22 on the release by the opposition of 16 deputies and two deputy ministers whom it had taken hostage on April 21 ( having issued an ultimatum ) ; they were released when they agreed to press for Kenjayev 's resignation .
14 The committee also agreed to press for changes to the rule which limits the level of right-to-buy discounts in the case of newly built houses or those recently modernised .
15 He treated Vial leniently in his committee 's report , but failed to press for the early appointment of the necessary second professor .
16 Sharing Coleman 's opinion of President Hafez Assad as the evil genius of state-sponsored terrorism , NALA had been formed to press for the withdrawal of Syrian and Israeli troops from Lebanon and for the restoration of democracy under the aegis of General Michel Aoun , who , in September 1988 , had been appointed head of an interim military government in Beirut by outgoing President Amin Gemayel .
17 On Oct. 21 an independent military trade union called " Shield " was formed to press for reform .
18 Four people were killed and at least 200 injured in Dhaka and Chittagong during nationwide strikes on June 20 and 21 called to press for the trial of Gholam Azam , leader of the Jamaat-i-Islami Bangladesh , on charges of crimes committed during the country 's 1971 war of independence .
19 For several reasons , it might also have been expected , and will be seen later to have been the case , that some of the younger teachers in the higher status selective schools might become allies of those in the universities beginning to press for change .
20 Aggressively inclined courtiers like Prince Menshikov ( who was much more militant as a diplomat and as Navy Minister than as Governor of Finland ) were beginning to press for pre-emptive action .
21 Court cases and the resulting media responses given to these new ‘ drug fiends ’ ( to use the phrase coined by Stanley Cohen ( 1973 ) ) verged almost on the hysterical ( see Young 1977 ) , and moral entrepreneurs began to press for more controls and increased action .
22 Leading economic advisers began to press for greater reliance on the price mechanism , and in 1948 the Board of Trade had a ‘ bonfire of economic controls ’ .
23 It would seem that the priests fought a hard election campaign for the liberals began to press for the limitation of clerical deputies — a step inconceivable in 1809 .
24 At the same time , welfare benefits were increased but this did produce complaints about ‘ idlers ’ and ‘ scroungers ’ , across-the-board welfare payments were becoming increasingly expensive and some Labour Party members began to press for more selective methods of eliminating poverty .
25 Perhaps most disturbing from the point of view of the central authorities , the party organisations in the three republics , particularly in Lithuania , began to press for a greater degree of independence , establishing direct links with outside ruling parties and adopting their own programme and statute , within or if necessary outside the framework of the CPSU as a whole .
26 Despite the problems and doubts , sandwich courses remained a central feature of the polytechnics — even as some institutions began to press for full-time courses to replace or to accompany them .
27 Lane accepted it without comment , although at another time he might have pressed for more of an answer ; he was n't a man who liked to be kept in the dark .
28 Those problems have not been solved — just as we said that they would not be — because the Government did not take the issue seriously enough and did not press as they should have pressed for the substantial reforms that were needed .
29 But the more the Duchess of Teck received the more she spent , and shopkeepers , who had sent round goods on a royal promise to pay later , started pressing for payment now .
30 Main was not the only excise officer resident in Inverkeithing , and the Cunningham party , while continuing to press for Main 's reinstatement , did not neglect the remainder of the excise establishment .
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