Example sentences of "[verb] round a " in BNC.

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1 Athelstan squinted , watching the bees hover round a succulent rose .
2 Every woggle-wearing youngster who 's ever sat round a campfire knows there are four ‘ goolis ’ in their favourite chorus , Ging Gang Goo .
3 ‘ They certainly seemed to be enjoying themselves , ’ she said ; ‘ you 'd have thought that young man Danny had just won a Grand Prix instead of driving round a dodgem track . ’
4 But a lull in Burnley 's flurries saw Tony Daws leap on to a bad back-pass , skip round a defender and the converging goalkeeper and equalise just after the hour .
5 Both need the opportunity to explore beach and castle , to look in on a busy workshop , to wander round a ruin , to wonder at a megalithic monument , to gaze at strange animals in a wildlife park .
6 The taken-for-grantedness of those practices around which a conventional culture is formed represents closure ; a genuine academic community , even one built round a well-defined discipline , on the other hand , abhors closure .
7 I know that my hon. Friend will understand if I say that I had some difficulty in persuading everybody to come round a table when I was talking only to the parties in Northern Ireland .
8 In the pub were twenty or so other walkers , similarly soaked , all crowding round a massive wood stove .
9 At two o'clock in the morning , you would find two men with a hose back of Rose Street , hosing round a big pile of fish entrails as high as this — the retail fish market was just there .
10 Ahead lay a steep , narrow valley and a village , diminutive at this distance , its buildings clustered round a harbour .
11 Combwich ( pronounced ‘ Cumidge ’ ) is a quiet , picturesque community clustered round a bend in the River Parrett as it meanders on its way from the sea to Bridgwater Docks .
12 In demonstrations of searches , it is essential to ensure that the audience can actually see the search being carried out — all too often one sees a large group of students clustered round a single teletype terminal .
13 Five miles [ 8 km ] away by sea , but nearly twice as far by road , lay the small fishing town of Teignmouth , consisting of about 40 houses , clustered round a Norman church , and with a wide , gently sloping shingle beach , where today a broad promenade overlooks stretches of firm sand .
14 More evident were the personal and intellectual connections of prominent ministers and scholars and the friendship of educated liberal families clustered round a particular chapel or linking one congregation with another .
15 ‘ Spoken like a true woman , ’ said Dr Neil , staring at the board , empty save for a few pieces clustered round a pair of kings in one corner .
16 ‘ He 's a manager , your dad , is n't he ? ’ asked Jamie Shepherd a few minutes later as they bounced round a corner with the old van rattling as if it was going to shake itself to bits at any moment .
17 Car lights came round a bend from that direction and seemed not to be travelling too fast .
18 We were in New York , and came round a corner to find fifteen Father Christmases trying to decide whether or not to go on strike .
19 ‘ He came round a bit and said firmly : ‘ I hulled away my swad . ’
20 Two of them came round a while ago and they said , ‘ Our pigeon 's on your roof , miss , can we go up your house and get it down through your loft ? ’
21 ‘ Look around you , ’ Scathach hissed suddenly as they came round a curve in the river , riding slowly .
22 ‘ Look around you , ’ Scathach hissed suddenly as they came round a curve in the river , riding slowly .
23 But she almost turned and fled as she came round a corner and found herself face to face with Guido .
24 As they came round a bend they met a lorry overtaking a tractor .
25 At last Finnan stopped before a high stone house that had as its sign a serpent twisted round a staff .
26 The composition of the painting and its original theme was developed from two ambitious watercolours of late 1908 entitled Carnaval au bistrot , which showed five figures , one wearing a harlequin 's hat and another a beret , disposed round a drop-leaved table ; the compositions of these watercolours are markedly horizontal .
27 When passing round a curve , one or other of these springs ( depending on whether the curve was a right hand or a left hand one ) had to be still further compressed .
28 Many trainees cheated for this exam , passing round a copy of the question paper beforehand .
29 Nothing , if the injury persisted , but whatever a man 's mates might collect for him by passing round a hat .
30 One of the men was passing round a big china bowl into which money was being thrown , and as Sabine watched Marie-Christine began , with raucous and vociferous encouragement from the men , to lift her skirt demurely and reveal more and more of one shapely leg .
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