Example sentences of "[verb] stand [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Apparently Alfonso came to visit Richard and agreed to stand surety for his friend 's behaviour , guaranteeing that he would do nothing against the will of the Duke of Aquitaine or his father .
2 Interior Minister Carlos Saavedra Bruno announced on July 17 a 120-day amnesty period for drug traffickers to surrender voluntarily in return for a guarantee that they would not be extradited to stand trial in the United States .
3 On April 30 a court in Bhopal ordered the seizure of all Indian assets of the US company Union Carbide , valued at Rs420,000,000 ( about US$14,500,000 ) , following the failure of its employees to appear to stand trial in connection with the December 1984 poison gas leak which killed more than 3,800 people [ see pp. 33647-48 ] .
4 A communiqué passed to the government on Nov. 22 by a group of prominent citizens known as " the notables " , believed to mediating between the government and the Medellín drug cartel , contained an offer from the cartel that between 200 and 300 of their members would surrender to stand trial if they received official assurances that they would not be extradited to another country .
5 He said 19 people have been committed to stand trial for various offences .
6 Many there were for executing this weak nephew of their late King there and then ; but Moray , who was his kinsman , pleaded for his life with the Regent , and promised to stand surety for his better behaviour in the future .
7 Escobar , accused of responsibility for the murder of hundreds of people over a 10-year period , including a Justice Minister , an Attorney General , at least one presidential candidate [ see p. 36844 ] and 107 passengers aboard a domestic flight [ see p. 37041 ] , was not expected to stand trial for at least a year .
8 A British cyclist , Michael Wainwright , also detained on charges of illegal entry in May , was expected to stand trial shortly .
9 But if he 's done something wrong , then he has to stand trial sooner or later … ’
10 To achieve his dream , he has to stand logic on its head .
11 Gust becos I cud not spel It did not mean I was daft When the boys in school red my riting Some of them laffed But now I am the dictater They have to rite like me Utherwise they can not pas Ther GCSE Some of the girls wer ok But those who laffed a lot Have al bean rownded up And have recintly bean shot The teecher who corrected my speling As not been shot at al But four the last fifteen howers As bean standing up against a wal He has to stand ther until he can spel Figgymisgrugifooniyn the rite way I think he will stand ther forever I just inventid it today
12 Some public libraries ( and more frequently , university libraries ) also place standing orders for all the works in a series .
13 Conference accepts Standing Orders Commission report number two .
14 Traditionally MAFF has stood guard over the richest and the poorest land to retain its agricultural potential .
15 St Leonard 's church has stood witness to the incredible changes wrought by the dissolution of the monasteries and the general passage of time and yet has managed to retain its own original identity throughout all this .
16 At Aimar 's command the inhabitants of St Martial 's took an oath of allegiance to the Young King and then prepared to stand siege .
17 ‘ In the worst scenario , he 'll be sentenced to stand trial and could go to jail .
18 This means you can pay in and withdraw cash or cheques , at any of our branches or at our self-service banking machines ; issue standing orders and direct debits to pay club subscriptions etc , at no cost — however often you use them .
19 The first is to maximise the income from charges for ancillary services — that is , recalled standing orders and unpaid direct debits ; cheques returned unpaid ; referrals ; letters on overdrawn accounts ; and bank giro credits .
20 My friend , who has stayed at the cottage before , is going up 24th or so for about a week , so there will be her rent @ £7 per day and electricity @ 10p per unit ( to cover standing charges etc ) to come to you in due course .
21 For example , an owner of land could grant a licence to cut and remove standing timber .
22 Alternatively the owner could grant a tenancy of the land with the right to cut and remove standing timber during the term of the tenancy …
23 Mr Mayor , we do n't suspend standing orders , we book them .
24 Chair , I 'd like to challenge standing orders on motion three O one , an example being in the part-time workers ' qualification into it was done by a recommendation of and we therefore request that it stays on the agenda .
25 Garvey , of Sandwell Avenue , Middlesbrough , is expecting to stand trial at the Crown Court for the alleged offence but magistrates decided neither case could go ahead after Garvey 's solicitor Jimmy Watson failed to appear .
26 There were torrential rains , rivers burst their banks and flooded standing crops , churches were struck by lightning in heavy thunderstorms .
27 Some get standing ovations for being promoted to manager — to be a manager you need to recruit three demonstrators for your unit .
28 The rules which govern the conduct of the business of the council and its committees are called Standing Orders .
29 But the alleged Islamic activists will have to stand trial .
30 On the amendment , on the amendment , as you 're seeking to amend standing orders , is this committee able to do that ?
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