Example sentences of "[verb] meet [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He had raised his glass civilly enough in recognition of Vernon 's presence whenever their eyes had met across the floral displays , and he had always been very effusive if they chanced to meet in the queue for the cloakroom or on the pavement outside the State Restaurant , but he had held his distance in mixed company , had never introduced him , for instance , to Mrs Harcourt .
2 Two early Christians chanced to meet in Heaven .
3 ROS : A Christian , a Moslem and a Jew chanced to meet in a closed carriage …
4 Old acquaintances would cut them dead when they chanced to meet in the Covered Market .
5 All the people he goes to meet for dinner and tea .
6 We agreed to meet at school the following week .
7 I knew that it would at the very least be fun to fail again , however effortlessly , and we agreed to meet at a pub in Barnes on the following evening .
8 They agreed to meet at ten-thirty the following day at the Archdeaconry .
9 She had n't , and they agreed to meet at seven .
10 Mahmoud had a case that morning in the Mixed Tribunals and Owen wanted to send a letter to England so they agreed to meet at noon at the Post Office .
11 They agreed to meet for three or four sessions , after which a session would be held with her parents in order to assess progress and to help Pamela further improve her communication with them .
12 The negotiators agreed to meet for further discussions but did not set a date .
13 The South Pacific nations agreed to meet in Wellington , New Zealand , in November 1989 , to conclude a convention to ban the use of drift-nets in the entire region .
14 As a result of the appeal , the Queensferry Sports Challenge Cup final could not be staged last season , so the trophies and mementoes were presented to Mold Victoria and Ship and Anchor who agreed to meet in a special charity match for the Andrew Wilday Eye Cancer Fund .
15 Staggered strikes failed to meet with a response and the Ministry of Education , rather than negotiate , chose to end the school year a month early .
16 The curtains failed to meet in the middle , revealing a section of the room beyond : a high , narrow bed flanked by a massive wardrobe in dark , stained oak ; a large crucifix with an unusually lifelike Christ hanging on the wall .
17 I did n't get much opportunity to talk to for any length of time but she managed to arrange to meet with the others with young babies and we planned to get together again later that week .
18 Oh and — you got to meet with Spunk Davis tonight .
19 Klein et al ( 1965 ) found that many older people hesitated to talk about the past because they did not want to meet with rejection , and that many actually needed help and encouragement to reminisce .
20 Frankly , neither looked like the kind of man that a woman would want to meet in a dark street … or even darker car park .
21 On 14 September 1982 Gemayel planned to meet with a group of Mossad officers , but was killed when a bomb planted by Syrian intelligence exploded in the local Phalangist party offices where he was speaking .
22 In fact they expected to meet with USL chairman Bob Kavner and lay their money on the table the week before Christmas , only to be caught off guard by the Novell announcement .
23 Supposing , just supposing , that Mackay and Parsons had arranged to meet at the cottage .
24 They had arranged to meet at the Metropole Hotel .
25 They had arranged to meet at a pub in Soho , not far from Helen 's flat .
26 We 'd arranged to meet at her house . ’
27 Her faithful shadow , a Yorkshire terrier called Heathcliffe , was just as confused ; and the time that we had arranged to meet for lunch was fast approaching .
28 They 'd arranged to meet for dinner , but it seemed he had n't been able to wait .
29 He knew the time because they had arranged to meet on the hour but he was a few minutes late and she was waiting .
30 You 'll find in our newspapers many signs of a extraordinary mental instability leading to terrible deeds ( that theological student who killed a girl he had arranged to meet in a shed , and who was arrested a hour later eating his breakfast — and so on ) .
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