Example sentences of "[verb] both [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One English lecturer described both academic and political tensions which affected the ethos of her discipline :
2 This appeal illustrates both these problems .
3 Mr de Klerk also told parliament of plans for a government crack-down on the Azanian Peoples ' Liberation Army ( APLA ) , the military wing of the radical black nationalist Pan Africanist Congress , and of the possibility that the death penalty would be reintroduced after a recent wave of political violence in which victims have included both white and black children .
4 Menstrual blood is considered both dangerous and polluting .
5 Thus this approach may be considered both safe and effective as a temporary measure to relieve stone related biliary obstruction .
6 Neutrons interact comparatively weakly with matter , but Inelastic Neutron Scattering ( INS ) is capable of revealing both rotational and vibrational transitions in solid samples .
7 Cornish historian Doctor Borlase , writing in the eighteenth century , commented on the Druidical significance of ‘ the Festival Fires , call 'd Bonfires … kindled on the Eve of St John Baptist and St Peter 's Day and Midsummer is thence , in the Cornish tongue , call 'd Goluan which signifies both light and Rejoicing ’ .
8 Fully expecting to see him either in the saloon , or in the galley , she was surprised to find both empty .
9 It sought to attract both moral and financial support from the business community and to establish a regular bar/cafe clientele which would provide much-needed income .
10 Simon launched himself towards the table and crashed both clenched fists down on its surface , making it rock dangerously and all the mugs and cans rattle .
11 Many of the methods involve both similar and different steps but most , if not all , produce the final preparation by the Tarkowski method ( 5 ) of fixing and spreading .
12 I resent , as a tax-paying American , your suggestion ( April 24th ) that the ‘ rescue ’ of Bosnia involve both European and American ‘ cash and blood and political will ’ .
13 Regarding economic management , one tenet of monetarism is that the effects of money supply changes involve both long and variable lags , so that it assumes too much expertise on behalf of politicians to imagine they can time expansive monetary policy to their advantage .
14 The index also contains both strong and weak stems of the individual words of phrases in the cross-reference list , because a search for " broadcasting " may well be satisfied by books about the BBC .
15 But the second part of the subsection , which seeks to reproduce the essence of the previous law — allowing for the substitution of ‘ violence ’ in place of ‘ breach of the peace ’ — is potentially confusing , because it contains both subjective and objective requirements as alternatives .
16 A thrombus contains both fibrin-rich and platelet-rich material , and targeting of plasminogen activators could be achieved by either antifibrin or antiplatelet monoclonal antibodies .
17 Now Ascension Day is a movable feast in the Church calendar , and hence John 's regnal years vary in length so that , for example , his eighth year contains both 12 May 1206 and 12 May 1207 .
18 Since vowels are not better nor worse than consonants — indeed Swift explicitly says that language needs both masculine and feminine tendencies — this is a relatively non-misogynist stereotype .
19 I am interested in what the right hon. Gentleman is saying , but I am not sure that there will be a conflict , in principle , if the regulator regulates both economic matters and complaints .
20 In order to maximise profits a firm would need both complete information about present and future states of the world and the capacity to digest and evaluate that information .
21 For the concerned public to have any confidence that they can succeed , these bodies will need both governing councils and senior management who know what they are talking about , and show genuine commitment to conservation goals .
22 This will include both initial restoration work and the annual deficit on running the house and opening it to the public .
23 The programme this evening will include both classical and modern compositions for shakuhachi , and duo pieces for piano and shakuhachi on which Yoshikazu Iwamoto will be accompanied by Jonathan Gregory , Organist and Director of Music at Saint George 's Church , Belfast .
24 Goals need to be realistic , flexible and worked out , and should include both short- and long-term plans .
25 On July 16 , 10 parties which were signatories to the national charter of July 1991 demanded the annulment , on account of voting irregularities , of the local elections held on June 21 [ see p. 38952 ] ; on July 27 the government announced the creation of a " board to correct election errors " , which would include both Ethiopian and foreign experts .
26 In order to meet these requirements it is expected that the programme will include both theoretical and practical components .
27 I discuss in chapter 6 the criteria for a balanced selection of literature in the classroom : it should include both British and non-British , both female and male authors , etc .
28 This project is being jointly funded by ESRC ( UK ) and IDRC ( Canada ) , and will include both British ) based and Latin ) American based researchers .
29 In 1987 , The Tsarevich , jointly owned by Edgar Bronfman , the Chairman of The Seagram Company and Ivan Straker , Chairman of Seagram Distillers ran into second place behind Maori Venture , owned by 92-year-old Jim Joel who thus becomes one of the select band who have owned both English Derby and Grand National winners .
30 One starts with a single isolated chain and the assumption that it exhibits both viscous and elastic behaviour .
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