Example sentences of "[verb] my name " in BNC.

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1 " I 'm Martin , " I said at once I hate my name .
2 ‘ I did n't know if it was false alarm or they got my name confused , ’ he said .
3 And , a little to my surprise , he got my name right .
4 ‘ For a start he got my name right . ’
5 I do n't know where they got my name , or why they thought I was suitable material for their article . ’
6 ‘ Where you got my name and phone number . ’
7 They got my name wrong ( ‘ Dear Mr Burndige … ’ ) and sent it to my work address for some reason .
8 John , you got my name wrong .
9 I got my name down for pink and blue .
10 I said I got my name on up in lights
11 This undemanding life-cycle had never been disrupted and I read the new lecture list partly just out of habit and partly for the simple pleasure of seeing my name in print .
12 And when the public started seeing my name on the back of these albums , the subsequent demand was staggering !
13 The colleague thought she remembered seeing my name somewhere .
14 My pleasure at seeing my name appear in the November journal as a new member by examination was tempered by the long list of those gaining membership by direct entry — indeed , a list of comparable length with those graduate members .
15 There is nothing in it at the moment that I would want my name associated with . ’
16 Well , because he said for obvious reasons , he said er I did n't want my name and address mentioned .
17 I was bought a large trunk and Uncle Charlie came round one Saturday morning and sign-wrote my name on both ends , with my house number .
18 Change my name ?
19 Hope you change my name .
20 In the shopping centre , I was gratified to see my name up on the Day 's Attractions board , and I sat down at a prepared place by the side of the stage .
21 Therefore , because it is unlikely that there will ever be revised editions , and because I should just hate to see my name on anything that could not be relied on , the probability is that the books will progressively be withdrawn from publication after a currency of a few years . ’
22 He then asked my name , and on hearing it , asked if I was the padre at the convalescent homes , adding , ‘ A damned fine job .
23 The porter asked my name and when I gave it , asked if I had a relative called Charles Rocke .
24 They gave me bread and milk , and asked my name .
25 He asked my name .
26 Forge my name on the back of the cheque and endorse it to yourself ? ’
27 He had the disconcerting habit of using my name as if he were addressing a butler or a chauffeur .
28 Reply : Five days later came the Hatter 's reply , ‘ I neither approve nor disapprove of your using my name and therefore do not object .
29 ‘ You ca n't ask me to leave just because someone has blackened my name — ’
30 In a week or so you would have thought a crowd of angels had wafted in from putney singing my name and crying ‘ Hosanna ! ’
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