Example sentences of "[verb] not sort " in BNC.

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1 So but erm Jimmy has n't sort of put it to her yet .
2 Yeah , I bet he has n't sort of tried to talk has he ? .
3 But I think you could do that sort erm provided you did n't sort of panic no chance of doing this okay ?
4 Er you know you did n't sort of erm , you did n't mix a lot , you know really .
5 It does help , I mean that that I have seen before but I did n't sort of understand it and you 've actually
6 I did n't sort of erm I cer I , I certainly did n't touch you know any , any money at all .
7 He came in with the ideas , give the drivers and conductors everything they asked for whereby my training had always been to only give them what they were really entitled to , not give them anything extra but he gave them the earth and that erm did n't sort of go very well for the new Manager who came in , he had a lot of undoing to do there , that this fella had given away , in his six or seven weeks there .
8 Well not roughly I mean they I mean they did n't sort of finish them off w wherever they was s sent to in whatever the firm I I I do n't know the name of the firm , I was I was n't involved in did n't bother as long as the job was done .
9 Cos I I did n't sort of go by fairs and things like that , I belonged to a different generation .
10 Welsh people did n't sort of eat fruit like the the English you know .
11 I , I compare test matches to more like the chess game you know it 's slower and you sort of you know whatever but these are people who would , did not to test games you know they did n't sort of say okay we 've now met this Pack a Ball thing where you know and everything else .
12 erm , they 've covered all the areas discussed but they did n't sort of pinpoint the areas of the Ah like again something like this what we actually
13 Erm , I did n't fancy them somehow , went through the whole lot , the other day an just did n't sort of take my eye , if you know what I mean .
14 I did n't sort of wait till the bus had gone or anything .
15 Well he did but we did n't sort of take Christopher .
16 Well we were going to buy er a caravan when my wa er just , just before my husband died we were sort of looking for a caravan , we had gone and paid a deposit , we should have picked it up on a Saturday and he go , he died on a Friday , so I had to cancel and er only this week er I told you did n't I , that they paid my deposit back because it was genuine tragedy , I , I did n't sort of er made it up that I , you know , sometimes you 've paid a deposit and then you 've changed your mind
17 anyway he went to the toilet , went a wee and I put him back in bed and he was laid there and anyway and , and he eventually dropped off , anyway I was telling my mum about it yesterday , and I did n't sort of think no more of it the next day , right , and mum I said well if ever he gets that again she said you should from the doctor she said , because , one of our boys had it she said and it was a blockage
18 No , no , she 's not worried , but when we took her up recently , he , he , he said it 's only a wart like that , he did n't sort of worry
19 Well I had that with this little locum , but er , a South African , did n't feel a thing , mind you a lot of fillings came out thought just had to go back and have it put in again , but she drilled such a small whole that , that , the dentist I saw , another nice young man , cos my dentist had gone , she 's re-filled it , and going to be alright because her fillings out and it was a bit rough , they did n't sort of goes inwards sort of
20 Yeah I know but like he did n't sort of do it very con inconspicuously did he ?
21 And , but he did n't sort of point and say anything .
22 Well I did n't sort of notice what it was .
23 But it did n't sort of the world-wide coverage that er ,
24 You know , that I know something you do n't sort of look . ’
25 So indirect pressure , that one then is the feneral and that 's the breaking , they 're the only two we worry about , okay , the feneral and if they ask where it is do n't sort of put two hands over and hang on to your crutch like mad because that is n't really where the feneral artery is
26 They do n't sort of spur you one with , Oh dear look at that , is n't that nice ?
27 I do n't sort of , I mean in those days they had wh apprenticeships and , and that sort of thing .
28 On confirmation of District Council 's agreement a statement of general conformity and in business you do n't sort of give your position away , erm
29 But do n't sort of back away from them try and to , to work with them cos you 've got ta , you 've got ta get the two , the two together .
30 You do n't sort of use
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