Example sentences of "[verb] to death " in BNC.

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1 A hot-tempered individual , he early on fought a duel and beat to death an Indian accused of murder .
2 The American show includes film of people leaping to death from blazing buildings and other sickening true stories .
3 If this happens at night , go to ground , shelter yourself as best you can and go looking for help the next day unless you 're likely to freeze to death in the meantime .
4 ‘ I remember , but that did n't mean I expected you to freeze to death . ’
5 A MOTHER was found by her husband throttled to death with a washing line in her garden .
6 I was wounded to death and dying on my knees , scrabbling in dead grass , my time running out with the moonlight , the shadows closing in .
7 This is n't possible in the confines of a tank , so the new fish are hounded to death .
8 Was he hounded to death ?
9 It is unhistorical to assume that children in the last century responded to death in the same way as children today ; children 's attitudes are largely conditioned by those of adults , and in our day the usual adult attitude is to evade the subject of death , to treat it as ‘ morbid ’ and , so far as possible , to exclude it from the home .
10 Or had she perhaps been pecked to death ?
11 Coroner — Inquest — Duty to hold — Deceased having severe asthma attack — Deceased suffering cardiac arrest while waiting for ambulance — Post mortem showing death by natural causes — Possibility of delay in arrival of ambulance contributing to death — Whether reason to suspect that death ‘ unnatural ’ — Whether coroner 's duty to investigate death conflicting with rule against determining civil liability — Coroners Act 1988 ( c. 13 ) , ss. 8(1) , 11(5) — Coroners Rules 1984 ( S.I .
12 Earthtrust removed the dead bodies and organised regular supplies of fish for the surviving dolphins in Shakang Harbour who were starving to death .
13 Washington ordered the initial 1,800 heavily armed troops to sweep into the capital to save up to a million Somalis starving to death .
14 Robert Francis QC , for the Airedale National Health Trust which cares for Tony , told the court yesterday he objected to the term starving to death .
15 ‘ It would take time starving to death and it 's not a dignified way of dying , ’ he said .
16 Julian Hopkins , national director of international relief agency CARE , who travelled with the Mirror team , said : ‘ To see that huge amount of food lying idle in Mogadishu while thousands of babies and young children are starving to death is an outrage .
17 ‘ There are 15,000 UN troops in Bosnia who have managed to save 400,000 civilians from starving to death .
18 He began by saying that people were starving to death , and it got more pessimistic from then on : the resettlement camps , the ensuing dislocation which meant people could no longer grow their food , the dying children .
19 You brought me a hare to eat when I was starving to death . ’
20 This paragraph does not apply to claims relating to death , bodily injury , illness or personal property .
21 and had seen a TV programme the previous evening relating to death .
22 For example , the Oxford Book of Death will give you short texts relating to death , and selections from longer texts you might want to read all the way through if you are interested in the topic .
23 Therefore , counter-indemnities relating to death or personal injury suffered by the indemnifier were void under s 2(1) , without the need to consider s 4 , and all counter-indemnities relating to other loss or damage suffered directly by the indemnifier were subject to the reasonableness test under s 2(2) , and/or s 4 if the indemnifier was a consumer .
24 What 's the closest you 've come to death ?
25 Stabbing to death offends this principle .
26 NORMAN Waller was cleared of murder this week after he admitted stabbing to death a man he believed was trying to break into his neighbour 's car .
27 A TV soap opera star has confessed to stabbing to death the actress who plays his screen lover , police said yesterday .
28 Headlined Youth murdered schoolgirl in stabbing frenzy ( Lancashire Evening Post ) this involved a 17-year-old youth stabbing to death in a fit of temper a 12-year-old girl whom he knew .
29 Among those on the run are Alan Lord , 32 , jailed for life for stabbing to death a father-of-three , David Gilbert , in 1981 , and Mark Azzopardi , 23 .
30 Participating in a traditional bloody ritual called the grynd , that dates back over the centuries , Faroe Islanders each year herd large schools of pilot whales into shallow waters and then , with man and whale alike thrashing in red blood-stained water , the animals are gaffed , speared , or knifed to death .
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