Example sentences of "[verb] of herself " in BNC.

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1 He created around himself at Hamilton Terrace a kind of family and it was this aspect of his life that allowed Susan Einzig to conceive of herself as a mother figure .
2 Did Lucy think of herself as that heterosexually convenient phenomenon , the ‘ non-orgasmic woman ’ ; had sex been awful for her ?
3 He was too far out of her reach , she thought , she would never be comfortable with him ; she would always think of herself as somehow his ward , his adopted orphan , his property ; there would be no real place in it for her .
4 Lucy did n't think of herself as deep .
5 Ianthe was not as yet bold enough to break away from her upbringing and background , and while she did not often think of herself as marrying now , she still hoped , perhaps even expected , that somebody ‘ suitable ’ would turn up one day .
6 No matter how much of a slavey she might really be , a chambermaid never thinks of herself as a maid .
7 She thinks of herself as a discursive fabric in which beliefs get lodged and are subsequently removed .
8 MIND OVER MATTER : A hijra thinks of herself as a woman
9 Makes no effort at all to work with me , just thinks of herself all the time .
10 She stood looking after him for a moment ; then she dropped on to an upturned box , and bending her head into the folds of flesh under her chin , she asked of herself why she had to do this .
11 So , in one of the most notable romantic suspense novels ever written , Mary Roberts Rinehart 's The Circular Staircase ( and that 's one , though it dates from 1909 , you could well read ) the heroine , Rachel Innes , says of herself and the adventure she became involved in , " Madness seized me . "
12 However much she might have set herself up to be hurt , she told herself defiantly , selecting white Bermudas and a cool Chinese-style silk blouse from her small selection of clothes , however much of a fool she might have made of herself , she would n't change a thing .
13 Even more , she had been quite ready to apologize for the public exhibition she had made of herself , and to ask his forgiveness .
14 Lord , what a fool she 'd made of herself !
15 She ran , ran from the memory of her own besottedness with this man , painfully aware what a fool she had made of herself before him , how she had opened her heart to him .
16 Deborah is confident and outspoken and had mentioned to me that she felt her sense of herself as ‘ not bad-looking ’ , and her lack of any real anxieties about her weight or body was largely due to her mother .
17 Once , she had thought of herself as so English that however happy she was abroad and even if married to an Italian she would always one day gravitate home .
18 She could not have explained it but she no longer even thought of herself as Joan Halidon — but as Joan de Warenne , protégée of the dowager-duchess of Norfolk .
19 She had once thought of herself as unique , had been encouraged ( in theory at least ) by her education and by her reading to believe in the individual self , the individual soul , but as she grew older she increasingly questioned these concepts : seeing people perhaps more as flickering impermanent points of light irradiating stretches , intersections , threads , of a vast web , a vast network , which was humanity itself : a web of which much remained dark , apparently but not necessarily unpeopled : peopled by the dark , the unlit , the dim spirits , as yet unknown , the past and the future , the dead , the unborn : and herself , and Brian , and Liz , and Charles , and Esther , and Teddy Lazenby , and Otto and Caroline Werner , and all the rest of them at that bright party , and in these discreet anonymous dark curtained avenues and crescents were but chance and fitful illuminations , chance meetings , chance and unchosen representatives of the thing itself .
20 She had always thought of herself as singular , as Jacob 's only daughter .
21 Scarlet had never thought of herself as well-brought-up , but these children of barristers , journalists , bankers left her bewildered .
22 All the loving and giving of small luxuries and necessities that she had not thought of herself , and the expected regularity of their attendance at those sumptuous Sunday luncheons , encroached dangerously on the precious isolation of life at Kileady .
23 She had never thought of herself as an indecisive person , but now she did n't know whether she wanted the time to pass quickly , or whether she wanted to guard jealously the hours left to her of Fen 's company .
24 Up to that time , I do not believe that she had thought of herself as a candidate for the Leadership .
25 In addition , there was an intermittent stream of international journalists , all lured by the lifestyle of this unlikely Welsh businesswoman , a description she would never have used of herself .
26 It consisted of herself , Heseltine , Sir Geoffrey Howe , Chancellor of the Exchequer , Sir Keith Joseph , Secretary of State for Industry , and William Whitelaw , then Home Secretary .
27 She did n't think about it , but in her mental geography , the vivid world consisted of herself and her father at the centre ; Thomas and Leo , a short distance away ; then a little further , the Princesse and Violette and Portia whom she still corresponded with regularly .
28 All around her men 's eyes are avidly forsaking their embarrassed girlfriends for the fantasy they have paid the go-go dancer to concoct of herself ; the room contains a crowd of men united in desire and fear of possession of women who are separated from each other by bars .
29 She herself was British , in fact , but having spent several years as a graduate student in California , where she had been converted to radical feminism , she now thought of herself as spiritually an American , and tried as far as possible to speak like one .
30 She no longer thought of herself as anything but a tool , a servant ; something to be used , with no separate life of its own .
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