Example sentences of "[verb] herself this " in BNC.

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1 I 'm very sorry to have to tell you this — but Mrs Kemp tried to kill herself this afternoon . ’
2 She flattered herself this was done discreetly , and was noticed by no-one , though the yearning in her look as she gazed at him would be obvious to a child of five , and the staff made frequent jokes about her loving him with a love that made his life a burden .
3 That he had to pass fairly close to her made Jenna 's heart beat alarmingly and all she could think was that she wished she had phoned and spared herself this .
4 My mother and I brought her up and she brought herself this low .
5 The Russian , who has confirmed herself this year as one of the world 's greatest athletes by setting four world records , is said to have tested positive at a meeting in Lievin , France , last month after equalling her 60 metres hurdles world record .
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