Example sentences of "[verb] left [art] " in BNC.

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1 Disagreements in the church about the point at which one could not compromise left a legacy of schisms in the Nile valley and in North Africa , where the rancour of the Donatist schism persisted until the Muslim invasions swept them away four centuries later .
2 It has left no trace .
3 Huge national debts , large scale unemployment and an impoverished economy has left no room for active support of Iraq .
4 The layman of the tenth , eleventh and early twelfth centuries was more remote from our experience and has left no comparable memorial .
5 Although its ultimate destruction has left no trace of the shrine 's location or size in the cathedral , it is recorded as being amply covered in gold and jewels .
6 But it has left no fossil record .
7 They effected a change which has left no corner of our ethics , our imagination , or our daily life untouched , and they erected impassable barriers between us and the classical past or the Oriental present .
8 Either the Psalm gives a very different version of the events of 167 or it refers to some other trouble which has left no trace in our tradition , for instance during the wars of the successors of Alexander at the end of the fourth century .
9 It is there in Stanley and the Women , which persuaded Marilyn Butler — somewhat against the odds , but none the less intelligibly — to interpret it in the London Review as a critique of male supremacy , but which has left a very different impression on others .
10 Violet has mostly dug up her patch and planted vegetables in it , but she has left a little strip of grass , about three foot long , which she mows with a lawn mower she bought at a jumble sale for two pounds .
11 Climbing the steps through the central arch to the altar-like plinth , I see that someone has left a pot of red begonias .
12 Martin Martin ( 1703 ) who wrote his well-documented Description of the Western Islands of Scotland has left a wide and varied record of many of the plant uses which were at that time extant .
13 The rampant sexism of the climbing and walking fraternity over the last 50 years has left a whole generation of older women with the legacy of being expected to have the white-bearded , old sod 's tea ready for him on the table when he comes home from a fabulous day out on the hills .
14 This is in contrast to Britain where woodland exploitation throughout prehistory and history has left a landscape largely bereft of natural woodland and where a mantle of alien conifers dominates many upland areas .
15 Similarly if someone has left a certain amount to somebody and has added that the sum can quite easily be offset , since the beneficiary is his debtor on account of Gaius Seius ' estate ; yet the beneficiary does not wish to enter that estate but claims the trust : our emperor replied by rescript that he was claiming the trust against the intention of the testator , since in trusts the intention of the testator is particularly to be regarded and observed .
16 If a testator has left a legacy of something belonging to him and has alienated it as a consequence of urgent necessity , the trust can be claimed unless it should be shown that the testator intended to adeem it : moreover proof of changed intention is to be required from the heirs .
17 This system , developed by the ministry of housing itself , has left a legacy of cracked and crumbling concrete wall-panels falling out of their steel frames .
18 The neck has been bound quite well , although the fret end-filing has left a few untidy marks along the way .
19 The discrediting of statism has left a massive vacuum at the heart of the Latin American left 's philosophy and the search for an alternative vision to the prevailing neoliberal orthodoxy is one of its most pressing tasks if it is serious about taking power through the ballot box with a radical programme .
20 The not altogether clear provisions regarding audit , finality and certainty mean that adjustments could well take place long after a partner has left a firm .
21 ‘ You 'll find an oilskin jacket in the locker at the foot of the stairs , ’ I said , ‘ and you 'll also discover that Ellen has left a Thermos of coffee on the stove , and I like mine without sugar but with milk .
22 ‘ Sport was the love of my life and having to give it up has left a void , ’ said Rosemary .
23 Much of the perched loose rock in this area has been cleared off ( probably 30 tonnes or so ) although this has left a largish patch of newly exposed rock surface .
24 As an artist Robin Winters has left a riotous trail across America and Europe in the past two decades , a path strewn with paintings , sculptures , drawings in all media , writing , installations , performances and events which appear to have combined all of the above .
25 On May 26th a full-blown review of the matter was announced , but it has left a bad smell of abuse of power .
26 Can I ask erm what 's happening to the Harlow Playhouse based Youth theatre cos obviously that has left a big gap in performances cos there 's nothing in this programme .
27 The war had no sooner ended than a Mass Observation report Puzzled People ( 1947 ) described how ‘ the explosion or disintegration of orthodox beliefs has left a vacuum ’ , and as early as 1950 the ‘ quest for a post-war purpose ’ was being anxiously scrutinised in a study of young people 's lives .
28 By reference to the TUC 'S report on industrial democracy , it states the movement 's own position as follows : that the development of participation at national and local level has left a gap at company level which can only be filled by employee representation on the company board .
29 A hole shows where an insect has left a gall .
30 Fortunately , Colin Chapman , the link between the motoring enthusiast and the glamour of Grand Prix racing , has left a legacy in his famous Lotus name .
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