Example sentences of "[verb] running through " in BNC.

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1 Joe came running through the plastic curtains waving a slip of paper and a handful of notes .
2 Draughts we 've got running through the doors , through the keyholes
3 She washed quickly , the water barely lukewarm , but the tepid water helped clear her muzzy head , and she began running through her plans for the day — if she kept herself busy she could avoid the drink .
4 There was a song that kept running through her mind , for no other reason than that of the atmosphere conjured up by its opening line , which was Midnight at the Oasis .
5 ‘ The word ‘ autopsy ’ kept running through my mind .
6 I think I might be falling in love , the words kept running through her brain .
7 If you are just starting with video , or even if you think you 're very familiar with it , try running through some of these familiarisation routines :
8 laughter so that by the time we came to do the five practical ev exercises you know everybody was in a very relaxed and jolly mood but I think that 's was it 's about but from the results that we were getting from the practical exercises clearly what he said had taken root you know roll key words , roll them around in your mind er try running through letters of the alphabet to match up with your key word chains and you know if if if the word is ball try roll see if you can get it to rhyme and ultimately the creme de la creme is if you can actually get the title of a song or
9 ‘ Normally they do n't bother running through that in words because they open the sealed packages in front of the person .
10 Yet it is possible to discern running through the work of a variety of radical historians a measure of common ground which amounts to a distinctive ‘ libertarian ’ discourse .
11 Once you get up to speed that 's , you 're , it 's like running through , have you tried running through water ?
12 Some stand quite close to him but are unhappy about this or that emphasis or point of detail , or about tendencies which they see running through his work ; others differ from him so radically on the nature and basis of theology itself that they in effect reject his approach wholesale .
13 The Princess , then five months ' pregnant , was photographed running through the surf in a bikini .
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