Example sentences of "[verb] itself from " in BNC.

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1 Although , in referring to the possibility that serfdom might " abolish itself from below " , the tsar seemed to be responding to the rural disturbances which had resulted from Nicholas 's militia creations , in all probability he simply lifted the phrase from a Third Department report of 1839 whose purpose , though reformist , had hardly been the complete transformation of government policy .
2 The team was able to win some very prestigious senior assignments during this time , deliberately dissociating itself from the wholesale movement of dealing and broking teams , an aspect of search of which GKR strongly disapprove .
3 These " necessary steps " , Bush said , included " condemning the [ May 30 ] operation , dissociating itself from it , and beginning to take steps to discipline Abul Abbas , the perpetrator " .
4 An announcement by the council , dissociating itself from the comments and stressing its anti-racist policy , failed to quell a storm of protest over Mr McNeill 's remarks .
5 ONE type of wild potato has developed a novel way of protecting itself from the ravages of aphids — by producing the chemical that aphids themselves use as an alarm signal .
6 But if you 're walking along with a bird on a jess , your movement disrupts it and stops it protecting itself from the wind as it would do naturally .
7 Society has an interest in protecting itself from activities which threaten to undermine the harmony within it .
8 Bacon and Eltis went on to suggest that labour had been successful in protecting itself from erosion of C m , so that adjustment had fallen largely on I m i.e. investment in the marketable sector .
9 Lord Denning as Master of the Rolls fought long and hard to persuade his colleagues that the Court of Appeal should free itself from the fetter of being bound by its own previous decisions just as the House of Lords had done in the 1966 Practice Statement ( see below ) , and also suggested that the Court of Appeal was free to refuse to follow decisions of the House of Lords which were considered to be clearly wrong ( Carty , 1983 ) .
10 Sudan , he said , would " free itself from dependence on relief supplies and achieve self-sufficiency in food production in a year or two " .
11 and the mind can free itself from anywhere .
12 America had managed to extract itself from the quicksand at last .
13 What he did not know was that the Government , by the next day , would be anxious to retreat from the formula , and that the miners ' executive , having dispersed itself from London , would give them all day in which to do so .
14 Compare it with Joe Simpson 's Touching the Void and the weakness becomes apparent — the one an understated masterpiece , the other a marvellous , complex and overweening mess , defeating itself from within .
15 Thrusting the heavy wooden doors of the lift open as they reached her floor , she precipitated herself into the small lobby from which the corridor to her room led , recoiling in dismay as a tall figure unwound itself from one of the two easy chairs beside a small table graced with a vase of fresh flowers .
16 But as she waited an obstinately persistent sound filled her head , drove itself from ear to ear , settled over her eyes and seeped through to fill the whole arena of her cranium .
17 One arm disentangled itself from the covers , her fingers curling indolently into the fine cotton of the quilt .
18 He considered that English , seen as a form of study rather than the practice of cultivated reading , had still not freed itself from the criticism of lacking intellectual strenuousness .
19 Gradually the technique develops its own style , moving away from red-figure as red-figure had early freed itself from the black figure tradition ; only white-ground long remains no more than a sideline of red-figure painters .
20 It had freed itself from the stairwell and could smell them , not far above it and within easy reach .
21 It is , of course , clear that the Report does not speak on behalf of working-class culture , but it should also be noted that it distances itself from the culture of the middle class ( cf. 236/256–7 ) .
22 One problem with that is that the feminist movement in Europe distances itself from the mass movement .
23 Dr Macdonald clearly identifies the link between oedema , weeping and the flow of urine from the bladder in which the body frees itself from the water retained in the tissues causing the swelling which brings the patient to the doctor .
24 The fly transferred itself from Marian 's hand to Allen 's forehead but it did not disturb him and he slept .
25 Moreover it is less than clear from the Bill what advantages are supposed to accrue to a school if it separates itself from a Local Authority , unless doing so is thought in general to be advantageous ( where , for instance , a Local Authority is unduly ‘ political ’ ) .
26 At the same time , by refusing to adopt a material ought , normative positivism radically separates itself from any suggestion that there is a necessary connection between law and any critical morality .
27 For a moment before it separates itself from its surroundings I catch a glimpse of its round eyes , beautiful but stupid , taking in the sight of a forty-three-year-old writer wearing shorts and a faded polo shirt , his face somewhat craggier than he sees it in his mind 's eye , his waist a little more solid and his eyes bright with the thoughts he is generating .
28 It has also stood Marx on his head , by transforming itself from a classless society into a caste society ( if at the same time gratifying Lenin 's hope that the intermediate stage of class society might be bypassed ) .
29 I believe that Wales continues to be less severely affected by the recession than the United Kingdom as a whole , but it can not possibly shield itself from the recession both in the United Kingdom and in the rest of the world .
30 H&C 's management knows where it does not want to be , and has distanced itself from the previously volatile structure with some skill .
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