Example sentences of "[verb] been bear " in BNC.

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1 Some doctors like to fit an IUD soon after delivery ; others prefer to wait until six or eight weeks after the baby has been born .
2 Her birth is almost invariably a disappointment to her family ( because it is not a son who has been born ) .
3 Yet Berlin is also where the new Europe of old ideals has been born again in 1989 .
4 ‘ Where is he who has been born king of the Jews ? ’
5 The families Qaddafi knows are organized , grouped on the natural principles of descent , and provide society with systematic natural and just relationships which necessarily include every individual who has been born .
6 A further 16% of severe forms of mental handicap are attributable to single gene disorders , and again , although these are genetic in origin , they are difficult to identify before one affected child has been born .
7 This is equally crucial once the child has been born .
8 No one but an old Londoner who has been born and bred and has lived for 50 to 60 years in London can have any idea of the extent of the change .
9 So the sociologist seeks concepts among descriptions of initiation rites in non-Christian societies and in all this learns more about the general purposes and beliefs which surround the admission of a young child into the culture into which he or she has been born .
10 A child has been born who will be greatly titled .
11 When life-expectancy figures are calculated , everyone who has been born and died is taken into account in arriving at the average life-expectancy figures .
12 An oppositional intelligentsia has been born .
13 In a striking image , Winnicott describes the mother 's face as a mirror in which the baby perceives the image not only of her/himself , but of the whole world into which she/he has been born .
14 ‘ Today in the city of David , a deliverer has been born to you — the Messiah , the Lord ’ .
15 FOR the first time in decades a litter of two ocelot kittens has been born at London Zoo .
16 He has been born into this world and gone straight to hell .
17 Yet another industry consortium has been born in the shape of SGML Open , which brings together electronic distribution , authoring and database software companies to educate the commercial market about the advantages of the language and provide information to help organisations to implement the standard ; and to provide a forum where vendors can resolve issues in applying the standard to real-world application by providing guidelines : the announcement of the formal founding , organisational structure and proposed programme will be made at the Seybold Seminars in Boston in April ; the backers believe that the language has the potential to do for document-based information what SQL has done for databases .
18 when it was envisaged as a form of national salvation ? it was conceived in compassion but has been born and bred in authoritarianism , profligacy and frustration , it aimed to liberate people from the slums but has come to represent an even worse form of bondage , it aspired to beautify the urban environment , but has been transmogrified into the epitome of ugliness .
19 If you know that he is righteous you will know that everything everyone who does what is right has been born of him .
20 He ca n't go on sinning because his he has been born of God .
21 The Slumberland Health Seal Range , with Intervent , has been born out of the relationship between Slumberland and W L Gore and Associates , and much of the technology relates to this successful and clinically trialled allergy programme .
22 Babies in the bus has been born .
23 He is content to believe this , the implication being that he is invulnerable except to anyone who is alive , who has been born .
24 Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you ; he is Christ the Lord . ’ ’
25 Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you ; he is christ the Lord . ’ ’
26 The other point I would make is the further that the new settlement is from York itself , then the greater would be the dependency upon the motor car , this has been born out by the paper that has been submitted by York City Council in table one where one can see that within the urban area within the O R R the travel to work by car is forty six point four percent , travel to work in the Greater York area at the moment is sixty seven point five percent , further than that I do believe it would be even greater .
27 The system has been born out of rapid expansion in recent years as the business has opened new centres and employed more people .
28 The Dark Ones are demanding , but he has been bearing up remarkably .
29 This may sound utopian , but it has been borne out by the experience of existing telecottages .
30 With land improvements in the LFA until recently attracting 50% grants and drainage attracting either 60% or 70% of costs in the UK ( plus guidance premia for farmers with Development Plans ) , a higher proportion of land improvement costs overall has been borne by the state than by the farmer .
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