Example sentences of "[verb] a decision " in BNC.

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1 Eventually the committee agreed to defer a decision to see if the school could team up with neighbouring villages to boost numbers .
2 It was agreed by a single vote to defer a decision until consultations with clubs booked for weekend activities until the middle of December .
3 The obvious reply to this argument is that we need a reason to accept a decision reached behind this veil of ignorance , and the claim that no decision would be reached behind a differently constructed veil of ignorance is not such a reason unless it has already been shown , as it has not in fact , that we are bound by the results of some veil of ignorance , whatever it may be .
4 He unsuccessfully proposed a decision be deferred to allow further consultation with the disabled .
5 She wants a decision by Sunday . ’
6 It was the clubs which had to be dragged screaming into the national club competition , the All Ireland League , two seasons ago after dithering and delaying a decision for years .
7 And they say a decision to route an ambulance carrying a fatally wounded Catholic man through heavy morning traffic on the Queen 's Bridge was the correct one in the circumstances .
8 ISRAEL 'S inner cabinet yesterday deferred a decision on whether to accept Egypt 's invitation to convene Israeli and Palestinian delegations for talks designed to lead to a resolution of the dispute in the occupied territories .
9 The League board last night deferred a decision on a new contract for the Great Britain coach , Malcolm Reilly .
10 The League board last night deferred a decision on a new contract for the Great Britain coach , Malcolm Reilly .
11 When it comes to the appraisal of new writing , publishers are generally more cautious than authors , and Engelmann , apparently unmoved by Nietzsche 's self-confidence , deferred a decision .
12 Associate CARICOM membership was granted to the United Kingdom dependencies of the Turks and Caicos Islands and the British Virgin Islands , but the meeting deferred a decision on membership applications from Haiti and the Dominican Republic .
13 While the council agreed to dispatch 50 observers to monitor a ceasefire agreement between the supporters of interim President Ali Mahdi Mohammed and Gen. Mohammed Farah Aydid [ see p. 38800 ] , it deferred a decision on the proposal to send 500 armed soldiers to escort food convoys .
14 The executive deferred a decision on Craxi 's future until mid-January .
15 The committee deferred a decision on the application , and the matter will be further considered at a later date .
16 you know , they c the they make decisions , yeah , but they 're still learning so much that you , they ca n't trust a decision that they make there and then .
17 On an application for judicial review made pursuant to leave granted by Auld J. on 7 June 1991 , the applicant in the first case , Renee Joyce Calder , a barrister , sought an order of certiorari to quash the finding by the Visitors to Lincoln 's Inn on 6 March 1991 , upholding a decision of a disciplinary tribunal of the Council of the Inns of Court that the applicant was guilty of professional misconduct but varying the sentence from disbarment to one of five years ' suspension .
18 So the medical profession , in the future as in the past , must bear the responsibility unless it is possible to obtain a decision from the courts .
19 As tempers began to fray , the game deteriorated and Kevin Connelly , when disputing a decision with referee Hart , got his marching orders , reducing Town to ten men .
20 In practice this type of decision only occurs when someone else presents something that needs a decision .
21 Ministers have upheld a decision by the Directorate of Came and Freshwater Fish that the wolf , which has been killing sheep near Vergarshei in the south of the country , should be shot .
22 With respect to the other products covered by the agreement , the Commission considered that no competition issues have arisen and the Commission adopted a decision allowing the proposed concentration with respect to these aspects of the transactions .
23 On Nov. 5 , the Supreme Council adopted a decision nationalizing all fixed Soviet military property on Latvian territory , and declaring void any transactions in army property made since Aug. 24 .
24 The Byelarus Supreme Soviet on March 18 adopted a decision on setting up republican armed forces from March 20 .
25 As a result , for the bulk of those who delayed a decision about early retirement , unemployment or sickness amounted to a similar economic status to early retirement : non-employment .
26 Teesside licensing justices yesterday delayed a decision on a drinks licence for the £1.25m Anchor International project , planned for Clairville Common , Middlesbrough .
27 A THREAT to the survival of the Irish Republic 's coalition government was postponed yesterday when minority partners in the administration delayed a decision on leaving the cabinet .
28 On Thursday , it is likely the council will confirm a decision to extend the town centre traffic ban to bicycles and pedal wheelchairs between 10am and 4.30pm .
29 As soon as it becomes clear that the new attacks would not achieve their objectives within a reasonable period , then we must abandon them and ‘ seek a decision elsewhere ’ said Falkenhayn half-heartedly , adding :
30 To award damages , on the other hand , is in a sense to substitute a decision for that of the public authority .
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