Example sentences of "[verb] a further " in BNC.

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1 The word ended in a wail , and Angelina ran to her to try to forestall a further attack of hysteria .
2 Sometimes as they fly , they tilt their bodies so that their tails dip into the water , and beat a further few strokes , renewing their impetus and extending their flight .
3 Coal 's complex structure causes a further problem .
4 In an interview with the Financial Times of Aug. 28 Singh confirmed that India would seek a further three-year loan from the IMF under its extended fund facility ( EFF ) .
5 Vaclav Havel , Czechoslovak President since December 1989 , announced on April 14 that he would seek a further term as President " not because I want to be President at any cost … but because I want to contribute towards pushing through certain values " .
6 FOURTEEN NUNS battling to save their flock of 5,000 chickens from slaughter have won a further reprieve .
7 Hearing of his difficulties from Greta Burkill , the College contributed a further £50 and the Self-Aid Society for Refugees another £50 .
8 Lee Evans , the controversial black Olympic sprinter , contributed a further element to Kane 's model when he added : ‘ Then , on the plantations , a strong Blackman was mated with a strong Blackwoman .
9 NATIONAL Savings products contributed a further £219 million to Government funding in January , bringing the total contribution for the financial year to date to nearly £4 billion .
10 Most humiliating of all when he did intervene on the record he only contributed a further nuance to the policy confusion under way .
11 A group of Free French troops provided a further source of manpower .
12 While the election of an authoritarian central government in 1979 resulted in cut-backs for local councils , it also provided a further stimulus for more community-oriented municipal projects .
13 The Anglican Henry Dannett provided a further fall-back epistemological basis for vindicating antislavery perceptions of the moral order by arguing that even ‘ if scriptural decisions should appear to contradict our ideas of right and wrong we are still bound to follow those ideas because we can not be so certain that we rightly understand and justly limit those scriptural decisions as we are of our own ideas of right and wrong ’ .
14 This was provided through " Help the Aged " who donated £6,500 to the cost and the volunteers , staff , carers and donations provided a further £6,500 .
15 The transition from diplomatic and economic pressure on Iraq to direct offensive military action provided a further confirmation of the US leadership of what US statements described as " the 28-member international coalition " , since " coalition forces " would come under the operational command of the commander of US forces , Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf , in consultation with Saudi Defence Minister Prince Sultan ibn Abdul Aziz .
16 Defoe provided a further , more useful categorisation in 1728 .
17 In the northern part of Russia , never very suited to extensive grain farming , peasant farms displaced estate production of hemp , flax and other intensive crops , while handicrafts provided a further market for the peasantry .
18 Indeed , one could hazard a further , and more general , observation that the possibility of social research itself is an indicator of the character of society ; to paraphrase Lieberson , social conditions not only determine the data of interest but also shape the availability of those data .
19 They have announced plans to invest more than £38 million in the area and to attract a further £23 million from the private sector .
20 Sybase claims to have launched the client/server market itself with the release of its Open SQL Server and Client products in 1987 : now it sees itself launching a further market , enterprise client/server , mainly for mainframe customers downsizing to new platforms , as opposed to the departmental ( and usually Unix or VAX/VMS ) first generation of SQL-based database system .
21 Sybase claims to have launched the client-server market itself with the release of its Open SQL Server and Client products in 1987 : now it sees itself launching a further market , enterprise client-server , mainly for mainframe customers downsizing to new systems , as opposed to the departmental ( and usually Unix or VAX/VMS ) first generation of SQL-based database system .
22 Thus , we have apparent flip-flops before nasals as between Jenewary , Frencis , in which /a/ is raised to [ Ε ] , and Wanysday , mantion , in which /Ε/; is lowered to [ a ] : if raising before dentals also applied , then massage and others suggest a further possibility of a flip-flop rule , and a wider range of environments in which the mid and low vowels are exchanged .
23 The national data suggest a further mismatch — between this same collaborative setting and the teacher 's predominantly individual or whole-class mode of interaction .
24 ‘ If the indicators for the first quarter remain flat or suggest a further fall in output , then the time will have come for a further cut in interest rates , by another 1 per cent or more . ’
25 A rehabilitated person is one who has been convicted of and sentenced for an offence or offences and who has not committed a further offence or offences during the appropriate rehabilitation period and that period has expired .
26 The Saturday Review said that there were only four entries that it deemed to be good enough to be designated Gothic , but Clarke 's catalogue listed a further fourteen Gothic schemes .
27 There are fears they could fall a further four per cent .
28 A further detail which supports the view that let evokes the lifting of all obstacles to the event denoted by the infinitive and concomitant actualization of the latter is the tendency for let to form a tight unit with the infinitives of certain verbs : ( 222 ) Kreisler let fall a further heavy hint .
29 ‘ Mr Manners farmed the land until 1987 and the landowner began to re-negotiate a further Licence period .
30 If the family has decided on cremation , the undertaker will need a further form , so this decision needs to have been made prior to the visit to the Registrar .
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