Example sentences of "[verb] a strange " in BNC.

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1 The Headmaster entered a strange , brooding phase that worried everyone .
2 In the noble eloquence of his plea for conciliation with the colonists , Burke , who based his case on the proposition that they had not been represented at Westminster , drew a strange and illogical conclusion .
3 Then she asked the ‘ patient ’ to hold the other end while she measured out the length again , mumbling a strange , unintelligible gibberish all the while .
4 But Forbes was unable to shake off the belief that new species were produced by the exertion of a supernatural agent — he proposed a strange theory of ‘ polarity ’ in which the creative power was supposed to have been exerted most strongly at the beginning and at the end of the history of life on earth .
5 If you visit a place frequently you undergo a strange transition in feelings towards it .
6 When Ian Thomson and the current editor of The Ley Hunter , Paul Devereux were doing fieldwork for their book The Ley Hunter 's Companion , they visited the crypt and found that the needle of their compass maintained a strange rhythmic ‘ jigging ’ motion .
7 He managed to establish a strange kind of relationship with them .
8 Jenny , of Willenhall , West Midlands , said she dreamed up the dish after she visited her boyfriend in hospital and found a strange girl at his bedside .
9 1 While I was digging in the sand I found a strange gimble. 2 Carl and Jayne are both beamish , but Mike is the beamishest person I known .
10 As a regional chairman , he had a seat on the national — or UK as the Scots prefer it — BAIE Council , which he found a strange experience .
11 The mantelpiece bore a strange conglomeration of objects , including a huge brass shell-case , probably from a tank , Mungo thought , and a white mug with a blurred inscription .
12 Chamoun himself was less of a Francophile than an Anglophile and his contempt for Nasser bore a strange similarity to the equally irrational hatred expressed for the Egyptian leader by Eden 's Suez adventure would be successful in deposing Nasser .
13 Left alone , Dr Neil walked to the kitchen to find a strange scene .
14 MacMillan created a strange gesture for Rudolf in Mayerling ; he frequently clasps his hand against the side of his head and ear as if to ease the pain of his deteriorating brain in order to shut out the rumours surrounding his every activity .
15 She could have laughed at her husband 's struggle to hide a strange mixture of emotions .
16 She watched the younger woman place a strange object in front of her .
17 He looks a bit ill , smiles vaguely , and has a strange rather shy expression .
18 Its magnetism is not only spiritual — in some quarters the rock pegmatite has a strange distorting effect on compass bearings .
19 But it has a strange effect on the tutor .
20 This parish has a strange park-like quality , where a ruined abbey , founded in 1150 , lies tantalizingly buried in ivy beside the River Minsmere , which further downstream meanders through the gentle wooded park of Sibton .
21 Sam , apparently , has a strange way of showing gratitude .
22 On the south side of the palazzo has a strange addition , the
23 It has a strange history and to understand it it is necessary to turn the clock back eight thousand years , to the moment when the first cats were being domesticated in the Middle East .
24 The notion that there is nothing more to the idea of parliamentary sovereignty than that Parliament is more powerful than the Crown has a strange ring to today 's ears .
25 This unstable region of Ulthuan has a strange other-worldly quality more akin to the realms of Chaos than to mortal lands .
26 Rising out of crystal clear water , the Scottish island of Iona has a strange calming influence on all who go there .
27 Its face has a strange convoluted patch of skin known as a nose-leaf , which contains heat-sensitive areas .
28 Usually my mother was just like a sister to me but she has a strange fascination with the Queen .
29 For him , domesticity has a strange kind of flamboyance ’ ?
30 Wembley has a strange atmosphere with one side of the ground full and the other completely empty .
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