Example sentences of "[verb] the general " in BNC.

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1 How far do select committees influence the general atmosphere in the House of Commons ?
2 President Blaise Compaore met the general secretaries of 42 political groupings on Jan. 7 for discussions preliminary to convening of a National Reconciliation Forum .
3 Most of the students investigated in this study were non-traditional in that they either possessed qualifications which met the general entrance requirements of the institution but had been gained them in non-traditional ways ( i.e. by other than full time attendance at secondary school ) , or they did not meet the requirement but had other qualifications or evidence of attainment acceptable to the institution in question .
4 The authors show that unqualified mature students in their study had some educational or professional qualification and just over half ( 51% ) met the General Entrance Requirement of their particular university .
5 In Frome , as elsewhere , a large proportion of the population lacked the general state of good health which would have gone some way towards combating these killer diseases .
6 The fact that you can turn the engine off and use it as a glider must extend the appeal of this unusual creature which hardly fits the general public 's notion of a microlight .
7 It is therefore Mitchell 's study which best fits the general argument being developed here .
8 And in order to accommodate the general rule it has been deemed necessary to deprive certain compound words , like sèche-cheveux , of their plural endings when used in the singular .
9 However , I shall leave this problem to one side for the moment and concentrate instead on pursuing the general line of reductivist strategy , which remains unaffected by the choice of basic entities .
10 It points out that strategies for pursuing the general interest that seem obvious in one generation will come to be questioned in another , and so will be changed naturally , from within the judicial process , not outside it .
11 It may well be argued that the government was able to defeat the General Strike by its propaganda campaigns , the arrest of Communist activists , the use of volunteers and by sheer patience , in allowing the General Council 's Negotiating Committee to spend several futile days negotiating the Samuel Memorandum in the hope that it would provide a basis for a settlement .
12 Advance bookings for parties may be made by contacting the general office .
13 Prices , as well as further enquiries regarding the education scheme can be obtained by contacting the general office .
14 Instead of maintaining the general domain of a text topic and preserving partial results to form hypotheses about new words and meanings , most natural language programs preserve little or nothing from one sentence to the next .
15 This implies maintaining the general character of our land .
16 When in barracks and field dress , generals often choose to wear the general officers ' cap badge not in the dark blue GS beret , but in the ‘ tribal headgear ’ of their former unit .
17 Very few games , regardless of quality , can convey the general atmosphere of a film , no matter how hard the programmer has tried .
18 Although many Carlists and Falangists naturally disliked the Unification , with their fighting men busy at the front there was little they could do to resist it , especially since they shared the general Nationalist respect for ‘ authority ’ .
19 In fact they encouraged us most warmly , and we shared the general mood of elation at the overall success of the 1974 submission .
20 In the years following World War I , Eleanor Rathbone and Eva Hubback shared the general dismay at the decline in the birth rate .
21 Myth and menace merge in India 's poll campaign : Tony Allen-Mills writes from Uttar Pradesh on a Hindu-Muslim row over a mosque that could influence the general election later this year
22 I was aware that the impending birth of AC2 Herriot 's child did not influence the general war strategy but I still wanted to be as near to Helen as possible at the time .
23 Army regiments and Army Air Corps units which took part in the campaign will be able to claim the general theatre honour Gulf 1991 together with battle honours ‘ Wadi Al Batin ’ and ‘ Western Iraq ’ .
24 Ramsay MacDonald was beaten by such a campaign in 1921 with language that made the general election of 1918 seem tame .
25 We are concerned with three aspects of the Act — the creation of criminal offences , the Director 's power to enforce the general law and the control of pyramid selling .
26 Power to enforce the general law on protection of consumers
27 Until we can organise our economy properly and bring the general level of unemployment down , progress in those directions is bound to be slow .
28 The point to remember is that any hunch , whether formally expressed as a hypothesis or not , is going to affect the general approach of the researcher and what questions are asked .
29 For each test document , the overlap program was run once using the general collocation dictionary , and once using the appropriate domain-specific dictionary .
30 How this might be reconciled with the terms of the Maastricht text goes beyond the scope of this article , but it gives rise to the thought that it might even be legitimate for the Community ( given the political will ) to legislate in this area using the general power of Article 235 of the EEC Treaty , which allows the Council , in the absence of more specific powers , to enact legislation which is necessary to achieve the objectives of the Community .
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